
I guess the one thing that comes from this is I no longer have to read the Buzzfeed box that asks what type of emoji/dog breed/cartoon character you are.
I actually liked it, but I just watched the final seasons. I imagine that if I had watched the show on a weekly basis from the beginning, I might've not liked it as much.
The only reason I watched the last couple of seasons was so I could participate in the recaps.
I've been refreshing this page nonstop for a certain someone to give his assessment of this show. I don't know if he's coming but I will wait. I will wait.
"That thread is so good I'd publicly profess my love to it" -Kelly
You have to friend a member. *cough cough*
So I guess if this is goodbye * this is you last chance to enter the secret monster facebook page. But you have to friend me and like pictures of my dogs** ALso, if you want to leave your twitter leave it here. MIne is *hopefully not and Scott can keep it going. ** not actually required
I was never much into social networks. I only had email and used the Internet for work but somehow I came across this here post: I based all my knowledge of Internet culture on Law & Order episodes about 4chan but VG thought me better.
Yikes, this game. Well, at least I know someone who's happy.
When I was 8 or 9 I "wrote" stories for my GI Joes that were basically Simpsons stories with the GI Joe's names. "No one's going to remember that SImpsons show in a couple years anyway." -8 year old Chris Trash
So, basically this: Put me down for 100$ for the Kickstarter. I want to see this happen.
If they made The Conaboy movie whom would you want to play Kelly, Packy and you?
Even after I made you this birthday gif? ...jerk.
I'm more excited about Air Bud version.
I was mad bored at work the other day and I asked the monster facebook group for some song suggestions. You can hear them here at this netflix: And if you have any suggestions, post them here and I will add them to the list.
When I was a kid I had a pet scorpion and a pet tarantula. Not knowing anything about tarantulas and scorpions, I put them on the same terrarium. The scorpion ate the tarantula like a car-crusher. A few weeks later I went on vacation and left a bunch of crickets for the scorpion to eat. When I came back the crickets had eaten the scorpion, leaving the exoskeleton clean of scorpion flesh.
whoa! That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Does this mean that all those people are actually my boyfriend/girlfriend? PS. It took me 3 tries to write this comment because my dog kept jumping on my keyboard.
My 20 lb cat once killed a squirrel and brought me its tail as a present. He would also slap my parent's chow chow to get him out of his way. RIP, Chetos. You are now over-eating and being grumpy with the angels.
This is almost not related, but did you catch the newest Simpsons with comic book Guy? I thought it was a pretty good episode, with the Studio Ghibli stuff and the humanization of CBG in a way that made the hateable cartoon nerd kind of endearing. IDK, I liked it and I was ready to give up on The Simpsons when they announced the Family Guy crossover. I guess if I didn't give up on it 8 or so years ago, I never will.
A Drake post and Carmen Petaccio has not commented in it? I thought I knew you, Carmen Petaccio.
How was Japan? Do you have Hachiko pictures or are you saving them for How Was Your Day?
I don't know, but Christopher Nolan could probably answer all of my questions.
I don't know why but, in Spanish, sometimes they put an i (pronounced ee) in the middle of some, but not all of the bat-stuff. Like, the Batmobile is still the batmobile but the batcave is thebaticave. The weirdest one is Batgirl, though. Her name is Batichica, which sounds like batty chick-a.
I just bought a WiiU and I've been playing some Arkham City. Good game, ★★★★. Anywayz, last night I had a dream that I was Batman and the bad peeps were anthropomorphic dogs. I would sneak behind them and, instead of knocking them out, I would tickle them until they got on their bellies and became disabled from ticklishness. If anyone knows Batman's people, have them call me so we can make some $$$. About a month ago, I stayed in bed until 11 because I was dreaming that I was petting a greyhound. In conclusion: I am stupid.
Best Mumblecore Short: Aww, Poor Michael Bay; The story of a billionaire film director heroically overcoming his fear of public speaking in order to sell you a $100,000.00 television.
Real talk, I probably base my movie watching selections more on The Gummies than the Oscars. Not saying this site is more prestigious than the Academy Awards, but it is more close to my sensibilitites than any other media outlet. I'm sure every other demographic, niche or mainstream has an equivalent of this. Whether it be K420 in The Morning, Michael Strahan & Kelly, Fox & Friends Family Fun or whatever, why would you base my movie watching options on the politics of the movie making industry?
Just give the Oscar to the movie with the saddest orchestral music.
Michael Bay's sales pitch ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
I saw both of the Santa Claus eps. The one with Trumpy. (TRUMPY!) and another couple that kinda mesh together because I was just marathonin' them suckers. I enjoyed all of them 100% except for the one with Crow just giggling all the time (I think it was crow, his voice sounded different). There were lots of cheap sex gags. My theory is that they were probably trying to be more like Beavis and Butthead but it didn't work. Anyway, even that episode was pretty entertaining. Which ones are the best?
It's been snowstormin' in Chicago for the last 3 days so I stayed in and watched MST3K for the first time. Man, I can't believe I'd never seen it. That's some good ish.
This was a reply to R2. I am currently holding 4 tiny pups, so it's not all bad. Merry Holidays, everyone.
Lets cast the Rare Exports American remake: Dad: Craig T Nelson Kid: Dakota Fanning Older friend: the older kid from The Goldbergs. Elves: Abercrombie & Fitch models Santa: Andy Serkins Guy who conveniently knows how to fly a helicopter: Larry the cable guy Dad's Friend: Mario Lopez Main Elf: Channing Tatum