
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I felt like this movie was too pleased with itself. It could've used some rewrites. I like the shorts the movie is based on* but the full-length movie seemed too arbitrary. IDK, I would've wanted more of the family pre-santa for a bigger payoff. *
Kelly:Gabe::Steve Young: Joe Montana
Lets cast the Die Hard remake: John McCLain: Bruce Willis Mrs. McClain: Sarah Ramos Hans Gruber: Will Ferrell Carl Winslow: Eddie Winslow Agent Johnson: Shia Lebouf Other Agent Johnson: Jaden Pinkett Smith Other Other Agent Johnson: My brother, Darryl Hacker: Julia Stiles Terrorist 1: Vincent Gallo Terrorst 4: Adam Sandler Terrorist 5: The Rock Terrorist 7: Jennifer Lawrence Terrorist 8: Adam Sandler in drag Terrorist 12: Sir Ian McKellan Police Chief: Sheldon from The Big Bang Thoery
Should I watch the other Die Hards, do they hold up as well as this one? Are they all Xmas themed and with terrorists or are they all about the McClanes having PTSD?
Also, another great thing was Bruce Willis being shoe less. Really brought some humanity to his 80s action star character in a quirky yet believable way.
Why did Parenthood's grandma's suitor mention Ice Age 3 in the beginning? Was Ice Age 3 another thing besides the movie with the Skrat? Why didn't John McClane buy the huge teddy bear in LA? Did they not have huge teddy bears in LA in the 80s? Was it cheaper to pay the luggage charge and bring the bear from NY in the 80s? I loved the "I shot a kid" part, it reminded me of the sappier Family Matters episodes, which were so much cheesey goodness.
It was also my first time watching this movie. My review: (o_o)-b
B) I still know your real name, which you included on the screencap of the Monster Fantasy Football League. You could also include your long form birth certificate, showing your full name and putting to rest this whole thing. C) Can't impress me with LIES!
That Sharon Osbourne thing is weird, but not as weird as Facetaco claiming he beat Homeless Randy at Fantasy Football on his "other league that you can't take screen-caps of, because the screen-cap program is broken." I mean it's one thing to lie about Fantasy Football, but dragging Homeless Randy's good name through the mud is an entirely different thing altogether.
Why must you turn this blog commenting section into a house of lies?!
I always knew there was deeper symbolism in those movies. Perhaps, Jughead said it best: Well, it looks like next Thursday is a good day to... ...Die Hard.
I haven't read that Vulture article but I did enjoy this one:
Earlier today I saw a Bort licence plate. I wanted to take a picture but I was with my boss. I feel like I've failed the Internet.
The thing behind the cab is a crane. They're used in boom trucks to get material into high places, usually while evading power lines, windows, beams and other construction site obstacles. That guy is basically a blue collar ninja.
I was going to write "Man, James Franco really can do anything," but then I realized that, earlier today, I was wearing a similarly colorful (and probably much, much, much cheaper) suit while holing two pups in public, so I cannot throw any snark stones. Today we are all James Franco.
That just means Homeless Randy is immune to Facetaco's curses. By the way, how is Crazy Val?
Sure, come over anytime, and about your other lea--JINX! JINX JINX JINX!! SUPERJINX!!!!
Sitting, seating, seeding; It's THNXgiving Eve, give me a break, yous guys.
But you will be sitting at home during playoffs and I will be going in as a number one seed. (also seating at home because that's just how fantasy football works.)
I don't know but I smell a romantic comedy.
Today my phone auto-corrected "my aunt Janey" to my "aunt Kanye".
We should all watch this and discuss it like a family
And that's how they got so popular in Japan.
A long time ago, a girl I dated for a minute showed me her art sketch book and it was just different variations of phalli, like, mushrooms, trees, houses, etc. A whole book. I mentioned that it was all phallic and she looked at me like I was crazy.
Why no pics here? I want to look at some pet rat pics.
Can I guess what their follow-up album to that was called? Was it Mr. Big in Japan? No? Okay.
I kinda like the formal attire idea, but I dread the countless, inevitable, ironic tuxedo t-shirts.
I also have 2 cats :\
We buy a community horse.
The Monster Fantasy Football League has been full for ages but yous guyses can still join the weekly NFL Pick ''em that West started just today, if yous want. PW:gabe
Just imagine you're playing at The Apollo.
What's the weirdest pop-culture thing you've seen in Japan?
Hundred Dollar idea: Monster Getaways.