
I was viciously attacked by two German dogs and I am now injured.* *my pomeranian was running after my pomeranian/chihuahua and the chihuahua jumped into my face and now I have a 4 inch scratch across my face.
How much she wants for the horse? PS. Check your monster fantasy football trade requests.
Juegos de Hambre Jennifer Lawrence looks adorable fumbling her mints into the floor, but Winter's Bone Jennifer Lawrence would've eaten those mints off the ground. Man, I am being too gross this week. Please downvote this comment. It's the only way I'll learn.
I mean, even non-moving corpses poop. Why would a moving zombie not poop, probably on itself?
Sorry. In my own defense, zombies would probably smell just as bad as zombie poop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Correct answer: Zombies, like girls, don't poop.
I refuse to accept moving corpses that don't poop. You can quote me on that.
Is anyone still watching Walking Dead? I guess my real question is, how do zombies take over the army but are constantly over-matched by a rag-tag group of survivors? I get that at the beginning zombies were attracted to high population areas but it's been like 4 years now. Were do zombies get so much human meat to keep the zombie population going? Did the zombies figure out human farming? Are the zombies like snakes were they only need to eat like once a week? Do zombies poo? Why isn't there more scenes of the survivors stepping on zombie poo? #scarypoopweek2013
"A toast to my big brother Charles: The richest man in town." Said by David S. Koch, while forming a group opposing the Affordable Care Act.
Sup-prime mortgages are just like sub-prime mortgages but more laid back.
"I don't have your money! Your money is in sup-prime mortgages!"
New character: The ghost of Christmas Poops. I realized as I was typing poops that I was confusing this with A Christmas Carol, but what am I going to do, not make another ghost poo reference? ON Ghost poo day?!
"Like many other mustelids, [the wolverine] has potent anal scent glands used for marking territory and sexual signaling. The pungent odor has given rise to the nicknames 'skunk bear' and 'nasty cat."' from Wikipedia's article on wolverines
I think the scariest part would be when they pull them back up. I mean, sure the big drop is very dramatic but it only last a few seconds. Pulling them up would last longer and--excuse the pun--would be a way more tense situation. Either way, I would've pooped myself if I had done it. Now that I think about it, I think that's what makes scary movies so unrealistic. You never see people pooping themselves when Jason, Freddy or Mr Saw chases after them. If I had my way, scary movies would have a lot more pooping sound effects.
When I was about 10 I stayed up watching a documentary about ghosts. I was scared to leave my room but I had to take a poop. So I take the most frightening poop of my life and then when I go to flush...THERE WAS NO POOOO! I was scared for days.
Danny Trejo's dog approves of this post.
My favorite Peep Show episode is the one where Jeremy eats the egg roll.
This happened to my friend and not me, but it seems relevant; the first time my friend met her boyfriend's mom she told her that she was "pretty, like Eva Braun."
Thanks, Kelly, Monsters, and The Chicago Veterinary Emergency Center! Everything's back to normal, except for me having to go back to the office, that sucks. but either way, I'm happier than a public radio staple dancing to an experimental pop song.
Clarification: my aunt and my dog are different beings. Sorry for the weird phrasing.
Weird weekend, my aunt and my dog were both in the hospital (they're both doing fine now). I sat around watching people eat desserts. I got a new office at work, which means I will have to go back to the office instead of working from home and will Internet less, wear pants more often. (footage not found)
I feel sorry for this couple but this is just what happens when you build a tribute to a known criminal.
I beat some old man with an eye-patch in court, beat an (I assume) 13 year old at Madden, took my poms for a walk on the lakefront and ate some buffalo chicken at lunch. Life is good.
That's nice, but I like my news local.
I understand how he tricked a bunch of egocentric parents into paying him money to make their kids a vanity music video before Friday, but how is he still doing it years later? Are these kids' parents really so out-of-touch that they see nothing wrong with a grown man wearing a panda costume playing pretend at their kids' slumber party? Do you guys remember hearing about a website where actual expert answered your questions? It was supposed to be like Yahoo Answers but with smart people. Anyways, if you guys know of such a site please link me to it, I have tons of questions about this video.
The Winston sub-plot might have hit a little close to home.
Did you pick all the spooky movies yet, Kelly? If not I would like to suggest Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs Really looking forward to The Thing.
I can't say I liked this movie and I really wanted to. I'm not big into horror but I tried this because of the word of mouth. I never cared for any of the characters except for the dads and that's only because they're, really good dads. The M. Night Shyamalan twist seems to me like the filmmaker kind of just giving up. I don't know, I don't want to go too much into details as to why I didn't like it because it seems everyone else loved it and there's nothing worse than being the one person saying nay at a yayfest. I could see how this would've been a great series or miniseries, though. Like, maybe have a different horror genre parodied each week? Who knows. My review: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My 18 lb cat does this thing where he headbutts you when he wants cuddles. The first time he did it to my 5lb dog, Canela, she started shaking and whimpering. I laughed, but if a cat 3 times my size had done that I would have $#4T.
When was the last time you saw someone just hold a pipe to get some coffee? That was no construction worker. That was a wizard in disguise.
My favorite is the woman at 1:25. She's thinking, "you go girl," I bet.
I have 3 adjustable stand-up desks that I can move around. I have Tina Cat on my lap while Cocoa and Canela Dog sleep by my legs. Chetos is in the other room, not having any of it.
I don't know, tone is hard to read on short text. For example, I'm saying this in a fast-talking 1940s movie voice.
Guys, I've had A LOT of caffeine today.
Aside from the bluntness of Sandra's mourning reveal, I think the film handled religion pretty well. The religious icons being Russian and Buddhist, to me, were to say that faith is universal and human but it wasn't over the top, like in the movie Signs or something. I don't know, maybe it's just that I grew up in a house with no religion but I appreciated how it was handled. My parents never thought me about God or even Santa Clause and I can't say I'm religious, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it. Anyways, maybe I should delete this comment because it feels kind of personal but instead I'm just going to ramble on and post it. #YOLO