
I feel all the comments on this post are pretty bad and uninspired because everyone's distracted by feeling bad for really wanting to say "what the hell was that thing in the blond wig?!"
Also, was i just not paying attention because where was the car/vehicle the survivors used to get into the city? Why did they need to steal a truck? Or did they get in on foot? If they got in with a vehicle, why walk like a mile through the zombie apocalypse instead of just activating a car alarm nearby, maybe even with the sniper rifle, and using the survivors' vehicle for the getaway. But one would imagine a vehicle would have made noise which we know attracts the zombies which we also knows makes the survivors very mad, so they wouldn't do that. But if they got in on foot, why are they suddenly so panicy about zombies? Clearly they're a piece of cake to elude.
Sometimes when the noise stops zombies are dunderheads who just lose focus and drift off and sometimes they have a maniacal focus and keep banging against the department store and getting smarter by the minute. I hate how zombies can SORT OF do anything. They can run, they can use tools, they can climb ladders, they can use doors. But with JUST ENOUGH trouble and almost GRUMPY ILL WILL so that you can escape when need be, and yet be dramatically threatened when need be.
That music sounds like something i was making in propellerhead rebirth when i was 15 thinking i was the coolest of the beans.
He must be the loneliest sleeper agent ever then, to have someone replace him and none of his friends be like "There's something different about you, i can't put my finger on it. Are you wearing a velcro shirt?"
Not only will i not answer you, i will downvote you. (NO HOMOPHOBO)
It is a total snoresville. There's no dynamic, it's a story about a midget who wants to steal the dragon's gold. It's like really bad fantasy fan fiction, or fantasy fan fiction by someone who has only a basic surface understanding of fantasy literature.
He's not NECESSARILY my boyfriend? Keep on digging kid! Eventually you'll hit china, and i don't think they have youtoobz there.
So to counter the idea of CocoRosie's pretentiousness Antony produces the post shit-facedly pretentious analysis of their music that would shame Armond White.
If it was meant to be a movie about unappreciative self-deluded mediocrities who can't accept their mediocrity and therefore turn their lives to shit, it would have been a brilliant drama. But i really feel that the guy's intent was all commentary about stiffing societal norms and culture and what not BARF.
A History of Violennce. That movie is shit. He put his past behind him. But when he tastes it again, he can not resist THE CALL OF BLOOD! God, David Croneneberg is such a cheap, one-trick hack parading around on an inflated sense of intellectualism his stupid fans are guilty of.
You don't understand. Only a mime can covey the horror because words are too weak faced with it's atrocity! I get you Gabe! BFF! <3
I hope this gets me on Encyclopedia Dramatica!
At least we'll have you! *disappointing trumpet sound*
"The best part, i mean the really, BEST, part is when they start coming up with and attributing layered meanings, it just makes me happy." - Gabe
"Trololololololololololololololol" - Gabe