
I can't believe the guy who thought he didn't owe us any explanations on why the site was inactive for several days, and is blatantly ignoring the idea that we might want to know why he's not coming to the upcoming monster party or his feelings on his absence is JUST UP AND TROLLING US LIKE THIS!!! I CAAN'T BAA-LIVE IT MAAAAN!!!
I'm scared and confused by life, and i found that HILARIOUS! Coincidence, i'm sure.
In England Karl Pilkington is called the guy who plays a naive contrarian dolt that Ricky Gervais is trying to peddle us as being the funniest man ever, but it's such a transparent rouse and really cheaply contrived like saying "I cant keep me things under me turban? I thought they wore them to avoid the pickpocket children." or "The wailing wall? Is it cos they bump thems noggins when bobbing next to ti?". HO HO hO.
So what are the criteria on which the contestants are judged? Is it managing to be LEAST revolting in a hog calling competition? Because everyone but the winner was much more revolting.
"Tina Fey's husband looks like Liz Lemon's settling soul mate"
"Roger Ebert... Roger Ebert liked 'The Box'"
"Why aren't all batteries rechargeable?"
"It makes me sad that i can't talk to this bird."
"The life and plight of the banana fruit is so amazing, and so dismaying"
"Is my freedom of will limited by my genetic makeup, and is the notion of my will being limited by my genetic makeup a product of my genetic makeup?"
I can sing that four non blondes song over that. You know the one.
Someone please post this photo for me :(
And crazy people jumping on high-profile controversies for attention is totally not a thing either.
@Mans That's great for you mr. boring post borington of boringavatar. You would be interested in how people come to trust each other and blih blah bloopity whoopity, but most people watching a show who's selling point is mysteries watch so they'd get super cock-teased and then feel the relief of super-cumming when those mysteries are resolved. Sure none of the stuff is real or possible, but they could have at least worked at better make-believe explanations than just magical unicorn wonder wine supercave.
The diapers video doesn't work. It's replaced however with just as great of a video of Sofia Vergara talking about how she likes to think of her son as her boyfriend and herself as Demi Moore, and how kids being crazy kids her son gets embarrassed and angry when she talks about it in public.
Dude, that's just for mystery's sake. They just do stuff like that. The same way when the hatch clock went critical it showed egyptian signs. They just like to associate with ancient and mysterious things. What puzzles me more is why is Blacula convinced people are jerks, since it was his fake jerk mom that taught him that. Wouldn't he reason that he shouldn't listen to the teachings of a jerk that killed his mom?
But did you really think all the answers would have to do with magic? Blacky is thrown down a magic cave so he magically becomes the magical smoke monster. Both Jacob and Blackattack can't die because of magic. Why do they protect the island? Because of the magical cave. What's in the cave? Oh you know, unicorns, love, rainbows. Why can't they kill each other? Because MAGIC MAGICY MAGIC MAG!!! OKAY!?!? Clearly people's problems are that the answers are disingenuously simplistic and that a child could have thought of them. They explain things as much as if you'd ask a magician how he did that, and he responded "MAGIC!".
When will people realize that it's much easier making up stupid mysteries than weaving them together in the end in a sensible collage, and so every show that bases itself around a bunch of mysteries will likely not have a payout, payoff, paycheck, payback? peyote? yeah peyote would work.
Except that wasn't my argument. I pointed to that to show that she wasn't an innocent child that didn't know into what kind of situation she was getting into, and what taking drugs and getting naked with a man meant. She wasn't tricked into it. Now can someone who does nude photos, takes drugs and gets naked with a man willingly still get raped? Sure, but it's no longer clear cut as if it would be if he forcibly drugged her on the street and dragged her somewhere to rape her.
Why are all those people wearing bird cages on their heads? Don't they realize they look stupid proportionally to how much they clearly feel wearing bird cages on their head makes them a hoity toity baroness.
Nice argumentation! Let me try that. Regardless of being wrong in everything you ever said in your whole life, and your parents being wrong before that and not understanding anything at all, floating through life like a dingy being run by a baby; there was no physical coercion. He took the same amount of drugs and was still able to have sex with her, she should have been able to physically fight back. Are we truly to believe she was so intimidated by him that nowhere in the course of being initially nude photographed, then nude photographed again, then getting drunk and naked she couldn't have just excused herself and left? Especially considering she wasn't an innocent, inexperienced child having her first experience with the scary big world, which if she was she probably wouldn't have found herself being nude photographed multiple times by a stranger without the presence of a parent in Jack Nicholson's house. If Polanski is guilty of anything it's statutory rape, and that's only by puritanical U.S. moral standards.
Except the girl is not literary a child, she had sex before more than once, and she also took drugs, read up yo. She wasn't tricked into nasty old man sex by saying it's how grownups play with each other for super fun fun happy time. Having been sexually active, and having taken drugs before, she agreed to get naked and get drunk with a man who wasn't coercing her into anything. If that's not a gray area, i don't know what would ever be. And since when is an unequal power balance a crime? Women, especially if they're pretty, like men proportionally to how much above them they are on the social sucess scale. Also, trying to paint me as some asshole who thinks "all women want it" while clearly i'm focused on this specific case shows how much you care for genuine and honest discourse, and how much you care about actual justice, and how much you're a dick who enjoys witch hunting people.
Yeah, the power dynamic is "i'm flattered by the attention of this powerful celebrity that's making me feel like an attractive mature woman which is the only thing i strive to feel being a sexually budding teenager and i wonder what it would be like to sleep with him, oops it wasn't so nice i guess i wasn't emotionally ready yet and now i'm confused". And what is it with the power dynamic argument, there's always a power dynamic; when a grown woman wants to sleep with a man there's a power dynamic. She did not provide the drugs and the champaign, but she willingly took them. Ew, angry mob mentality.
Dude gets permission from mother to photograph nubile daughter, he asks to and photographs her nude, then she agrees to him to photograph her again. She willingly drinks champaign and takes drugs and gets naked in front of him. Dude thinks, all lights green go for landing. Dude has sex with girl under no physical coercion. Later girl claims rape and tries to dismiss her if not progressively enticing then clearly willing behavior by claiming she felt "uneasy" the whole time. This is classic crazy girl fake rape behavior. If she wasn't underage at the time (by american laws) would anyone be buying this crap? C'mon son!
Everything Gabe said is valid, but what puzzled me about the movie when i saw it was why Amy was so upset she wasn't a full on lesbo. I mean, she had sex with guys before, so why did it weird her out so much? But even if she hadn't had sex with guys before why would it weird her out to the point of a breakdown? Is Kevin Smith saying gay people abhor heterosexuality the same way homophobes abhor homosexuality? I guess so, because why else would she hide the fact she was with guys before? Out of shame! Ewww, guys, yuck. No one can ever know! So gay people define themselves solely on their sexuality to the point of having a breakdown if challenged and are as big of assholes as homophobes. Well done Kevin Smith, bullseye!
He's censoring himself? I think seeing his fame rise he wants to reach a wider audience.
I just up-voted you, but to be fair, lost is kind of horrible at times. You think it will ever be explained why they needed to press the button in the hatch instead a machine doing it, why there was a dharma station that monitored the hatch that claimed it was just an experiment, why IT's pneumatic report tube went NOWHERE (BAM-bam-baam!), why they hinted it was all in hurly's mind, or why the christian themes and apparitions with christening claire's baby? Those are just a few of the myriad dead-end mindfucks. It's a good show though, seen all seasons here!
No, i'd sooner say narcissistic.
I guess just dumping guys and hogging it up in new york would make her look like a selfish pig, but hogging it up in bali makes it seem like she's looking for her "true self".
You know, this book is written for well-off selfish and petty people who can't stand the emotional responsibility and demands of being in a relationship but want to avoid guilt through imagining a quest of self-discovery, but it's audience will be girls who get dumped a lot and need to feel like they don't need men. My point? You make it for me!
So it's a film of self-discovery? And her true self is liking to take expensive vacations to tourist meccas. Got it.
The more you SCHOOLED!
Word, son. It's a nice melody, i actually sang along to it. Plus, reverse cowgirl is a very woman empowering position, it's nice that t-pain likes his women powerful. I mean, there are images of cherries being busted, but i think that's blood on the hands of the director, cause a virgin would hardly choose reverse cowgirl, only weathered veterans do it.
I like that it didn't especially exploit important historical eras as backdrops to give it superflous importance. Sure, he was in rustic russia, and gay old paris, but they were just used as interesting decorative backdrops. But i guess that was hard, like ignoring an itch, so in the end they faltered and itched like crazy by placing at least the present events, completely pointlessly, in the wake of hurricane Katrina.
I don't think their head is at all spinning, they decided they wanted to help substantially, they helped substantially, and now they're continuing their regular life where they don't help substantially. It's a pretty clear cut and normal way of helping. If the book was about how to write a book, and then donate the proceeds of that book to charity, while not donating the proceeds of your book to charity that would be a headspin. But the book is about how you do a one time, substantial charitable act and then go on with your life, and that life includes maybe writing a book about it.
I don't get why it gets complicated because they only donated half of the money and are still well off. Is charity only valid if you yourself are left a charitable case afterward? That's silly.