
Because nothing says mature adult mature man like marking your dick. Since when has machismo become things you do when you're 8? Oh right, since ever.
- Chief, criminals are making the ferris wheel go faster than usual and scaring children!! - Damn it, i hate to admit it, but this is a job for Future X-Cops!
At best this kid seemes confused by the situation, at worst; weirded out. Nowhere do i see this earnest childlike wondrous acceptance everyone else is seeing. And his final "i'm going to go play ping pong now" seemed like an out from an uncomfortable situation. Downvotes ahoy!
That's really cool, but unlike the first video it's not made up entirely of Lost footage, there was even a clip from the horrible milla jovovich movie "the perfect getaway", so that's -1 coolness.
Mrs. Commonhate or: How they forgot to start being carefree and hate the party pop
Yes, village for young women!
The comedy roast of Jesse James by the gutsy Robert Ford
Watermellony 6-lane highway's "A single lucky doldrum"
He really doesn't. First of all, the show wasn't immaculately conceived and birthed by him, second of all people are often judged on how they behave after they become successful, and he's mostly been behaving like a boring rich ass.
This really shows how ugly Jim is, i mean his face kind of works on his body and he's charming, but still YIKES! However Pim is cute, like a really cute lesbo i'd daydream about.
I think this REALLY showcases how horrible lady gaga is because i feel so uncomfortable and uneasy watching that darling little girl do those horrible, demeaning things to herself.