
White People Problems, right?
I think Jeff Goldblum might be sad that the camera diverted everyone's attention from his song.
After all of this, I imagine that Alec Baldwin would still sit alone for hours in a dark apartment and weep over his wasted life.
Thanks for the links, Kelly!
People have different issues, but they really make the pages load slowly on systems with limited resources. I rarely visit videogum on my iPad because the gifs overwhelm it.
They are wet from the tears of all of the souls they have eaten.
I love you Becca, but Mystery Butt is the choice of champions.
I was joking, Carrie, but thanks for all the help.
He was the host of Mouseterpiece Theater!
My constructive comment is for you to end fewer sentences with question marks. I keep having to reread them in my head to add the rising intonation, and it's driving me crazy?
Guys, I do not agree with AM about everything in this comment, but at the moment of this writing, he has a negative comment rating, and that just makes me sad. Why should a person have to face blatant and anonymous shunning for expressing an opinion? I have been involved in a discussion with Gabe about this on twitter for the last hour, but nothing could make my point better than this. This should not be a community where offering a sincere opinion is met this way. Since it seems that upvotes are here to stay, I would like to publicly suggest that downvotes be removed from the site. They are unnecessary, they invite trolls, and they discourage open discussion. We could still express approval anonymously, but we would be forced to use our words to express disapproval. Maybe that would be good for everyone.
Butch Quesadilla and the Sundance Kid
1) Because no one would fuck Turtle. 2) Because E is incapable of love.
His facial hair causes me profound unease.
I'm torn between pride that I'll be played by Jonathan Winters and sadness that there is a realistic chance that this shitfest could be his final role.
If this were a serious hunt for the worst movie of all time, Shadowboxer would have made the list.
Star Wars is overrated as a movie, but it is tremendously important as a cultural landmark. It is also a very nifty example of mythic structure, and a phenomenal example of universe building.
There is no oxygen in polythene. This is the monomer: Stick to biology, showoff.
Here you go, buddy!
I should gave gone with the free radical polymerization joke.
Looks like Pam found the weak link... In the carbon chain. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
I fixed it for you.
I guess that baby was hungry For pussy. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
I guess you could say that baby... Got some tail. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!