If she had been completely excised from this movie, only hardcore Kat Dennings fans would have noticed.
I pretty much did, too.
Sorry for the technical difficulties. All of the videos are up now!
I can only imagine what Chareth Cutestory must be feeling about this.
I should have mentioned.
If you think this is gross, wait until you see the next post!
"Great, now my hand smells like pork!" - Martin Short, 2 minutes later.
I don't know if this was a hotlinking fail or an epic win.
I thought it created a nice effect.
Oh dear. My brain went from cockgobbler to cock cobbler, and now I have a mental image of a sugary, baked penis dessert covered with pastry. Finals week is warping me.
I have 50 bucks on Elvis.
How about Gobbler of Cock?
Incidentally, I would probably do something like this, but once you get Monster Plantation fanfiction written about you by the site's most bewilderingly embraced troll, you don't need fake haters.
I bet it was one of teacherman's students and the school's ip address. The teacherman I know would never do this.
Anatidaega Nights: The Mallard of Ricky Bobby
I'm just worried about next Wednesday. Imagine how everyone will feel with some crappy guest blogger filling in.
Prince Charles?
Last night I got plenty of dead Osama, but too little of this:
Your behbeh looks like you, but with more hair! Fucking miracles all over this bitch!
After the Bully Project Thing, my instincts on how to respond to this are all screwed up.
You can tell it's fake because of the stamp in the lower right hand corner:
That's Michelle Obama and James Brown with a pancake on their head, obviously.
Oh. NSFW, prolly. That's why I did the link instead of just the pic.
OMG. This exists: