I'm not saying it's a 'liberal' conspiracy, but you can't watch any edition of Elmo's World and tell me that it isn't part of a plot to condition our young people to life inside the Crayon Matrix.
My best joke was "this proves once and for all that Arcade Fire are a bunch of bullshit." unfortunately, the vidya game joke was better. Instead, I'll point out in seriousness that comparing Elvis singles to Glee singles is like comparing apples and crap. It's easier to make singles, easier to produce singles, easier to market singles, easier to piggyback on the success of other artists (Elvis was a pioneer of this, glee is standing on the shoulders of giant thieves), and easier to chart in an environment where sales are low across the board. Also, Elvis was one guy with crappy management working out of a small studio. Glee was a small industry from the pilot, with an army of "singers" and producers to create the "music".
In brief, this means nothing.
And thus, the guest blogger war between Netflix and hulu plus began. Bittorrent partisans waited patiently for their chance to sort through the wreckage.
Q; What do Ed Helms and teacherman have in common?
A: They both attended the same high school that I did.
Bonus Points: Yet, I have met neither of them.