
There once was a man named Dirk Diggler...
I'd Flux her in the Aeon.
The trick is to take a low resolution photograph with bad lighting.
Oh come on! Anybody could just make a duck face and claim to be Snooki without makeup! FAKE AND GAY!
"Look, lady – when you date Carlos Mencia, these things are gonna happen." - Nick Madson
Once again, I thank God that there was no internet when I was 14.
I'm going to go with Adrian here. I mean, both of these children are wonderful, but Adrian is only a few years away from a big fall. Juliet seems like she's not likely to be easily defeated by the reality of the world. I think we should let Adrian hold on to what he has for as long as possible, because it isn't going to last.
I'd spend 2 days in her valley!
I'd young her adult!
I read this as "Ty-Lör's boring naked wang photos." I was surprised that his naked wang photos weren't more exciting.
Her blood isn't lazy. Her pancreas is just exhausted.
They are probably celebrating Katherine Heigl moving out.
Between Michael Cera and Gabe, professional photobombing has always been a boys' club, but Tina Fey is breaking open the photobombing pinata for all those girls who need a hero! #metaphors
Oh my God! He must have a thing for Mr. Logerado!
I now have an irrational fear of being rocked to sleep by Elijah Wood.
If you think that the major studios don't want to turn your jokes about George Clooney's Prank Wars into a feature film, you haven't been paying attention to your own blog. They are making a movie about fucking Candyland. Send them a treatment.
That reunion might also fall on somebody's birthday. That person might be me!
He met her through the adoption agency, but the contract clearly stated that only she could decide if she wanted the children to know her identity.
He can get butt naked by the fireplace!
Whew! For a moment there, I thought they were ONLY for ladies!
This episode is still unwatched on my DVR, but I'd hate for anyone to feel like I don't love their recaps. I <3 these recaps.
I hope that Bristol Palin has a happy and fulfilling life. I just really don't want to hear any more about it.
Then why do the people on the sides seem so lifeless?
You, me and Gosling? I don't see how anyone could call that gay.
He'll have to dry his eyes on his Hollywood movie star money.
You should have used today's to mock Ty-Lör. Then maybe we'd still have Top Chef recaps.
I'm making a lasagna... for one.
At first I was, like, "Where's the gun?" But Dale was holding it for her the whole time! Those two really give a rip about Alabama!
I am Anna Smith, head housemaid of Downton. As I've not seen the show, I know not what that means.
What is it with you and calling people "brats" lately? Is that some kind of reference that I'm not getting or are you just being a dick?
Van Peebles? Baadasssss!
You look like a dragon pooping out a muscular Jew.