
Are you implying that only white men care about pharyngeal health? That, sir, is racist!
George Lopez survived Maria.
They cancelled the show because everyone agreed that he really needs to rest his voice for awhile.
Y'all are all part of the hype.
Something about the Large Hadron Collider and sex with Pamela Adlon.
It gets better and worse and better and worse until you reach an age where it only gets worse.
From Here to Paternity
Precious: Based on the Novel "Just One More Bug Push" by Sapphire
The Trevor Project would not be pleased.
Gabe used to date Chris Martin.
Fake and anti-gay! But seriously guys, this is so obviously a joke video that I'm a bit amazed at how uncritical people seem to be in accepting its authenticity.
Go away, "L"! Nobody wants you there!
That a weird little dragon, dude.
That comment should be in contention for next week's Ball. It was too late to make this week's count.
You won the Monster's Ball of my heart.
Please do not respond to me again. I do not accept your interpretation of this discussion or of any discussion that we've ever had. I could go through your post and and explain how my interpretation of things differ, but I do not believe that you would hear me. It is, therefore, pointless and fruitless to engage. To put it simply, interacting with you makes me unhappy. I do not come here to be made unhappy. If you disagree with something I say, kindly keep it to yourself, and I will do the same.
You seem to have made a lot of assumptions about my position based on very little information. I suppose that the term "climate change skeptic" is imprecise and loaded enough to imply certain things, but it was also a concise way of saying that I am not unwilling to entertain alternate theories and ideas. That definition of skepticism is crucial to all scientific investigation, especially investigation into complex systems, and it is all that I meant by the term. My point was that even a person not closed off to the notion that there might be other explanations for observed changes in Earth's temperature can recognize the idiocy of Jon Scott's statement. Your point seems to be that you will accept no dissent from orthodoxy, however slight, and that your presumed authority on the matter should silence all who dare to even suggest disagreement. This is not science. Your hypothetical counterarguments above are inane, mainly because there was no call for you to respond at all. I congratulate you on finally finding an issue where being rude to a person seemingly in disagreement with the prevailing sentiment has garnered you a degree of approval, but I have no interest in engaging you further.
Strong argument. You've really opened up my eyes.
Speaking as a climate change skeptic, shut up Jon Scott.
Diet Coke is gross, but the people who drink it are just masochists. Classic Coke for breakfast is awesome.
"That Canadian bastard could enunciate more precisely than any other cop this force has ever seen! And his mustache... his.. glorious... " - The chief at Trebek's funeral, finally breaking down.
That mantis might be creepy, but he has a beautiful man voice. "I wanna kick your ass until your head falls off. Then I'll kick your head and kick your ass again. Why? I don't think it's learned its lesson. Open the door, sucker. It's Zorak, here to kick your ass."
Modern athletes are so pampered! It's hard to find a real Mantidae.
Wrong. This:
All this post did was confirm that "Kelly" is just a pseudonym Gabe uses when he gets excited about things.
I like how the last line is a reference to a movie that holds immense nostalgic power over me. I believe the irony was intentional, but maybe it would be funnier if it weren't. Anyway, here is an artist's rendering of me and nostalgia:
Oh shit! Charlie looks so happy!