
Back end of this album is nearly perfect.
My lord is this a head trip, knowing this was sposed to be out at the height of his songwriting prowess. 'White Lines' or 'Little Wing' coulda been on Harvest people.. I don't mean to geek out, but the fact this is an unearthed lost album, and recorded during a time when, historically, is our most beloved time with Neil. This is like if someone released a never before heard Bob Marley record that was secretly recorded between 'Burnin' and 'Natty Dread.' I know that may be reaching but, still, this is mind blower for anyone who loved Neil through this time period.
At the risk of sounding redundant, if any have not checked out the Rolling Thunder Revue doc, it enlightened me with a new respect for Dylan I never thought was possible. He is a true American treasure. So happy this album will put his music back in the spotlight.
If I were to ever be subjected to Jeremy Renner as Lemmy singing Ace of Spades, I may douse my eyes with battery acid afterward. Clearly, and I mean cleary its Ian McShane here.
First two singles are front and center on all my spring/summer playlists...the notion of this band reminds me of Phosphorescent in the sense that they have this sorta cosmic, existential vibe to them, like they know more about whats going on than we do but not afraid to let ya in on it.
Metacritic is currently tracking Dylan's at 100%....sooooo, there's that.
The world is crashing around us, concerts have ceased to exist (who knows if they'll even return with a year, infinite amount of delayed album releases, streaming down due to discretionary spending, not to mention the drop in ad rates....and your complaining that you have to click out of some site self promotions and a few ads? I'm done with people trying to act or expect it to be normal in an abnormal world.
Some would say harbouring a random comment from a stranger for a 'few weeks' could tend to be labeled as a little too much 'reading into shit!'
There are two schools with this and both are as effective. The Chappelle YouTube stand up addressed this whole celebrity/action thing. His related to the protests. Although this Beyonce statement is a different situation, some degree applies in the sense that Chappelle chose not to speak when singled out, he let, as he put it, 'the streets speak' instead. It resonated. Now, in Beyonce's case, If involvement creates attention to progress and action, then God damn I don't care who the fucks speaks, long as it gets heard, and My Lord she has a community and righteous obligation to get that word out if its an issue she is passionate to help resolve.
Love when kids try and make snarky comments on musicians who were around way before their cute.
This is like stepping into a time machine.....excellennnnt
A Few Words for the Firing Squad is by far the best song I've heard this week
Well put...the lines between looting and protesting can get very tough to see in moments like this. Through this whole Covid thing I have seen ALOT more stupid people than usual, and I was pretty sure pre-covid we were at about 80% stupid as a country.
No Glory in the West is by far the best song I let my ears listen to this week.
Not to mention the fact that as his approval rating torpedoes he had a real shot to boomarang it back with the black vote and stand up for justice. But, nope.
These singles have been so incredibly refreshing to hear. When Banks simplifies things and just cuts to the chase, the result is nostalgic bliss. This is by far the best track yet. Glad to see they stepped on the gas a titch. The others were great but seemed somewhat reserved. Can't wait.
It's really hard to not make a perfect shoegaze song, really. Its like a country song at this point. You know at some point in the song a dog dies, and a girl runs away. Just in shoegaze perspective, it'll be droning feedback for 4-7 minutes.
You're given an unreleased Neil Young song from 1974 with Helms on drums and Emmylou on backup, and you're complaining about the website its being played on?
Was not a bad song at all and a product of the time period but boy did it freak me after Fair Warning and Diver Down...was like wait sec here...the first single of 1984 this?
Zooropa was a much more drastic change in direction over Achtung
Welp, guess AOTY is all wrapped up with seven months to go...
This album and The New Abnormal are exactly what we need right now. I don't need brooding, depressive ballads being sung in bathrooms. Is as if both these albums are pleading for you to just simply fucking sing it out.
You must not be driving with your windows down and the volume at 11.
With as many epic and memorable solos he's had, one that goes unnoticed is on 'Money.'
Whoa whoa... Pump the brakes.. let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
What I meant to say is How can't this not suck. Or, how can this not rule or maybe its how can't this not rule....I don't know wtf, its gonna be great, can't wait. I'm out of it today. cough, cough, wheeze, wheeze, hot in here...where am I?
How can this not suck? Its a virtual lock. Rare footage of one of the last Beatles sessions when they're all fucked up and at the end of their historic run, and Jacksons the one putting it together to boot.
I could never settle on which REM album was better, Reckoning or Murmur. Its like trying to nail U2's Boy or October as first albums. There was never a doubt both these bands were going to be historic after both of their one-two punches.
Agreed. But the power should be discussed offline, especially when they were the ones that gave you the shot in the first place.
Bullshit. Honor your contract and STFU. Obviously there's a reason you can't capitalize on putting out random new music quite yet. You don't think they want to hop on your train and prosper off their faith they originally had in ya?? Go sign elsewhere once you've seen it through.
Again, I ask...why must musicians take to the internet to dispute contractual issues instead of simply going back to those (who mind you, gave her opportunity when she was no one) to discuss possibly renegotiating new deals based off new found success? I get it, you're a hot commodity now and you want to capitalize and make more money, but honor your fucking deal then get out once you've see it through. Whats ironic here is that its an athlete making this stand, and he's right, but it happens all the time get a player/musician who starts out with zero cred, then blows up and now whats 'whats "owed" to them when they signed a fair start point contract.
Yes to this, and throw in new Poolside, too. Its 'kinda lovely.'
I'm a 'Golden Playpen' kinda guy...then again, Shabooh Shoobah is a one thru ten GOAT regardless.