
You can just sense this initial upcoming album is going to lean as close to Disintegration as ever. What a marvelously depressing winter listen it shall be! Bring it.
I'm with you exactly, ttexas. This album was an 'a-ha' moment for me and Cave. Its devastating, yet I think what sets it apart from maybe a lot of his other stuff is just how damn accessible this particular album is in the end. At the risk of disrespecting Cave and his fan base, I couldn't help but think of Floyd's The Final Cut when listening to this (an grossly underrated album about loss, as well). He and Waters seem to plead the same pain, and even sound alike at times, too. Either way, I'm real happy to have broken through the glass wall and "discovered" Nick with this one, and also be able to now appreciate what is easily one of my favorite albums of the year.
I'm baked, and its awesome.... Lost a good friend this past week. Its been awful, but this man is soothing my misery. Hug your loved ones.
I actually think this is what means most....I mean, there will be many that come and go, but really, at the end of the day.....gotta be just these two.
I just listened to Runwayaway..Man, if that doesn't help you get to a next Radiohead album, no idea what will. There are two things I look forward to more than anything music is Frank Ocean and the other is anything Radiohead
I think it should be a law that when referencing anything music related, it should be illegal to google facts. Let's see who the fuck knows their shit. Comment base may drop in half.
Looks way too familiar to Summerteeth. Gotta be intentional, has to be!
Negative comments about Frank Ocean baffle me. I get it if you he's not your thing, I get it. You're talkin about an artist here that sings from an absolute depth of honesty and cutting edge soul and smack dab in the middle of everything relevant in music today, whether be his sexual stance, pure talent or understanding of the world around him. What was said about Bowie, or Stevie Wonder, or Prince when they were in their creative zone? This is my last ditch effort to plead toll those who enjoy Stereogum and music, in general....don't base your comments on your selfish and personal opinions, just respect an artist for their contribution to moving the art...forward.
1987 was a very worrisome time to be a true Floyd fan, and they released Momentary Lapse which ended up being such a gorgeous relief to hear from a fragmented band Even with Waters great, but I think misunderstood Radio KAOS, it was grand. I saw both tours. This was a time, in my mind and heart, the last great year for rock. Appetite for Destruction, Document, Sign O the Times, The Joshua Tree, Pleased to Meet Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Tunnel of Love, The Lion and the Cobra and Kick, It was never the same for all of them after this year, and I'm so happy I was a part of it.
I'm not exactly legit can a relationship really be when your personal life is designed to be displayed for the world to enjoy on the E! network?
"...a few final tweaks to the mixes." Says Kim Kardashian. Whew, ok, thanks for letting us know how the final stages of his recorded album are shaking out from your dynamic production knowledge.
Life of Pablo was a bad album?
As much as I've dismissed expecting anything that could resemble a return to form for Kanye, I'm actually extremely intrigued by a Rick Rubin produced gospel type album from Ye. Granted, the ceiling of expectation is low, but this guy does have the ability to lob out a masterpiece at any moment whether it be in completed form or partially. It merely depends on two things...does he want to become relevant again or does he just want to dig deeper into his disintegrating worm hole.
I guess Ye hasn't had his come to Jesus moment.
Meanwhile Millennials meet up at Panera and complain about how this story is not about them then while never lifting their heads up from their iPhones.
Hot take...It was always burnin since the world been turnin....
So lemme get this straight...Sandlers production crew use this Italian meatball shack to cater some lunches while filming then say, 'Hey, we'll be around so get ready next week and we'll call ya to do a couple BBQs for the crew.' Then, for whatever reason, maybe they wrapped up early, or decided to go out to eat, or I don't fucking know, maybe someone was allergic to BBQ for Christ sake. Either way, like what happens in 60% of anything restaurant, PLANS CHANGED, and they never decided to use them for whatever reason. So, in conclusion, Adam Sandler did not ruin your life, you buying $2500 a week before a POSSIBLE event with the crew, no deposit taken or credit card to secure the party did. Here's a lesson, next time you book an event...take a frigging credit card number and give them and deadline to cancel.
So wait, let me get this straight...Liam and Noels new albums come out a week within each other? This some kind of marketing scheme or are one of them trying to fuck with each other? Not that I give two shits, but still, I'm curious..
We may actually get Grimes before new Kanye.
Well...beside The Irishman? There's The Lighthouse, Queen and Slim, Knives Out (for date night) and I've been reading Gemini Man is seriously ahead of the curve and great.
That is not true at all. He has received an insane amount of well deserved credit on both sides of the pond. He's reclusive, quiet, not interested in the fruits of fame and notoriously stagefright. That may be why people feel he should be recognized more. Between Them and his solo career, there isn't a musical soul on earth that doesn't view him as one of the driving, iconic forces in soulful, R&B rock rooted folk.
For some reason this wildly moronic comment reminds me of Louis CK's eat a bag of dicks routine. So, am I in the truck with like a big spoon and eating shit? Does the truck dump in out and then I eat it there? At a table and its served to me? I dunno....seems like a lot of shit to eat if its a truckload, just trying to figure out the most efficient way to pull this off.
Its not that he has bad taste in music, quite the contrary actually, its that he married Kim Kardashian. Well, that and a degenerative ADAH issue but let's not get all medical, it's just music after all..
Alex Cameron 'Gone Too Far' is in serious SOTY...album is insane. Must listen.
I'm with ya Coke...its cute, explicit pop off a vocoder. Nothing new here.
You probably couldn't name 3 Mats albums without referencing the internet.
This site has lost all touch of the bands that have paved all roads...then again, if its not trap or shit pop, what does it matter anyway, I guess.
Yield? Obviously this is prob a snarky Pearl Jam jab here, but screw you and your joke of criticism against REM. They had 13 flawless albums. I'm sure you're too young to have anyone with true knowledge even consider this comment as anything but ignorant.
College Street Music Hall = the new Toads Place. But boy did I grow up seeing some insane shows there. Magnificent memories.
We Appreciate Power def has its good moments, but Violence is her most complete new Grimes track. Whats interesting is that up this point we've been led to believe she was going to be taking a hard left with her impending new stuff, and so far these tracks could be wedged in between any of her tracks on any previous albums, which I guess is good?
In other words, the kinda crowd you'd expect to see on a rainy Monday, post holiday weekend in Northhampton. Prob not gonna be your best example. Future Islands are a lot like Spoon (not as good, obvi) but its pretty hard for them to not make a listenable tune. Can't wait.