
Damn you Bandcamp....damn you!
Ha! Because that's where all truth lives...Twitter.
Yes to all these...Its like Tokyo Police Club which ends up being fun for like 6/10 tracks. And to that point, this song stayed in my head right up until it was over, then poof.
Fuck you and your 1975...what fuck is that...been done better for so many years, by so many, before this hunk of crap. Its L.A. with Amen all day tis week. 1975. Gimme a break. Hop off the train for fucks sake.
I think its classic Tarantino, and well, he just doesn't give a fuck. At all.
The two scenes with Leo and the little girl are literally some of the best acting I have ever seen. My jaw was on the floor. He's an actor, playing an actor who is playing a character. WTF!
You just let it cover you, don't think about it and watch. Watch DiCaprio give a truly Oscar front running performance, QT's manipulation of history, the beauty of the set designs as you watch Pitt drive around on CA summer day with the radio on. I laughed with someone the other day after I described the movie to them as two and half hours of playing GTA. Its just there and then occasionally it stops for missions filled with an ego driven passion for film. Its meant to soak up not break down, and with the crap being released these days, sometimes its hard to process the fact you just watched an original story and were asked to just have fun. Can't wait to see it a third time.
And quite possibly the best written novel since Infinite Jest only without the 10 page footnotes.
Sheer Mag gonna turn some heads this week...
When that little distorted snarl of hers comes in halfway through or so, it sends shivers up my spine. She is lethal when plugged in and pissed.
I don't think anyone (mostly anyone) is saying this is a 'bad' album.
This is a tough one....we all saw this coming, this tragic evolution of a band that prided itself being in its own PNW sweaty rock bubble in the beginning. Bands have differences, members get famous, the brand gets diluted. Sleater Kinney is over. Sad but, this is still a good album and their intent is still noble here.
This song is NeilYoung (Crazy Horse) in 2019
There are no rules with this band. Their fearless approach is something that needs to be understood....immediately
Grimes has commitment issues with every song she releases. Period.
Maybe leans a little more toward Angels and Airwaves, but regardless, you totally fucked up this song for me now.
So I guess they're pluggin in for this album?! Holy Mother of God. Rips.
Then you clearly have never listened to Pink Floyd's 'Dogs.' Its actually not long enough. Or, When the Musics Over....or Sister Ray!
Its like some sorta Mission UK shoegaze. What's not to like right?!
I agree with Bloc...Ripe 4 Luv is pure bliss. GUV is just a little more jangily but not in a Mikal Cronin catchy kinda way. Both highly listenable.
I'm no courtroom advisor, but using green probably not the best color choice unless you're hittin a Hilfiger runway.
Def easy to enter in at the 80's, as that was my decade, too. But when I took the deep dive into their early catalog, I did dot expect to be floored as much as I was. It was similar to early Roxy and early Bowie. The start of these three musicians began no where near where it ended
If you are wondering, hmm...what makes this Kinks band so revelatory? Not to preach high what you may already know, but I direct to you to three albums...this one (obvi), Village Green Preservation Society and Muswell Hillbillies. cute. All of a sudden craving Doritos now.'ll need to first answer a few political questions before your download proceeds.
Don't let confidence get the better of you
"We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around" I mean, just let this tweet sink in....
I watched Dylans 'Rolling Thunder Revue' the other day (must watch, btw) but what it proves today is that a musicians effort can still work to make a statement through their music, and the parallel here is the same. As we all evolve, each bands own unique soapboxes can take on a different but same route with their effort to evoke change. It may not be 70's folk music goin on here but nonetheless should be recognized as the same fight.
This isn't a song, it's a statement, and in their minds they believe it can hope to impact their listeners, and it should be applauded. A million people heard this, and that was their intent, right?
This girls immaturity is next level.
....and not for nothing, just sayin....'Bad Guy' with Billie 'aint bad, at all.
Don't forget Justin Bieber recognized as a voice of reason. Quite a day.
I just clicked on that Twitter feed to read some comments. My Lord, there are so many awful people in this world. I simply cannot comprehend the level of ignorance and stupidity that people, the internet sucks sometimes
Kidding aside I even hear a The Church circa Starfish in this band too. Love it
if you play the song watching this, it seems to be in perfect synch