
The Cleaner be all like
This was essentially the beginning of the end with The Mats, and their one true stab at making a few bucks on top 40. It came after the nearly perfect Please To Meet Me and before All Shook Down which was essentially the "Final Cut" for the boys. Don't Tell a Soul belongs with their best merely because it was mature for them, and really shined a light on Westerberg.
Not only did you make me go listen to this, you also made me text my ex-girlfriend from high school. Damn you Snow Patrol. Damn you to Hell.
So, we should expect Darkness on the Edge of Town or Ten every time Bruce/PJ go into a recording studio 30-40 years later? Seems ignorant to me. One of the premier reasons these bands have existed and prospered for this long is because they never gave a shit about any critic and their warped dictation of 'brand' and what they think quality music should be. It's like saying Albert Pujols sucks because he's not hitting .330 anymore.
Anyone who doesn't know how the evolution of U2 impacted the world, just please play Boy, and you'll understand how awesome this band was...
I think one could argue this is classic case of old school pop star antics to get attention and present day social media used retaliation. Clearly, Gonzalez got sucked into something and immediately spit back in the best forum she knows. Meanwhile, Madge was just waiting until it happened so she could find out how relevant she was wondering she still may be.
And just like that, Madonna got her free publicity. Think this is the first time she's tried to poke the bear?
Palmolive sounds so brutally and beautifully honest.
You mean besides Donnie Darko right?
Speaking of Fenders and Waters, go play Sexual Revolution from Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking...pure bliss. Clapton is God.
The Final Cut, albeit a Waters solo album, was stll his best work, I agree. I wish I could say Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking was his but Clapton was so money on that.
Why no love for The Final Cut? If we're talking about Gilmour and we're talking Floyd, I still think that had some of Gilmour's best stuff, regardless of how much they hated each other at the time. Animals is pure Gilmour, I know, but as far straight up Fender blister, you can't beat the spit he shoots of Your Possible Pasts, the pulse of Hero's Return, Fletcher's solo, Final Cut, and Not Now John. The man is legend. His solo debut and About Face were pure ecstasy for anyone looking for what he really was all about. Don't throw out these "top 5" albums...its disrespectful if you really don't know the band. He had his imprint on everything from Pipers through Momentary Lapse even thru Division Bell..
There's been a long standing rumor for a few years now that he has a horror film script in the works but nothing has been validated.
The flick with PT rules. I'll take all of this until the boys get back together.
This now defines hot mess.
Well... then maybe you can point out the moron who didn't know how to go about this 'at least a decade ago?' Sounds like barely 2 months ago someone finally reaches out, directly, to Mick and Keith, them boom May 23, problem solved.
Every day we have Mick and Keith in our musical listening lives is another day to celebrate them. This is the kinda story you don't read anymore in this day and age and its a lot of the reason why they continue to endure. Simply put, a class act.
Just because, how bout the entire new Prince album released. Christ, that man gave so much to so many.
I get this odd and attractive underlying country vibe throughout a lot of the album which is maybe where that MMJ feeling comes in. Regardless, it's a really great summer listen
Every picture of the Jonas brothers looks like a Gap ad. EVERY one.
This sounds like something out of the same mold Roger Waters has done and likes to revisit often. That sorta solo concept album that's heavy handed in some personal statement whether it be political or environmental as a common thread within it, which, is awesomesauce.
Some albums just shouldn't be reimagined, no matter how high the level of respect or loyalty is given to the original. The Modern Leper is all Scott Hutchison and anything else is just a passing car.
I'm not too sure a Mark Ronson thread is where you want to be to get answers on Hospice... I'll say this tho, you're mentioning of it just rattled the emotions I have of it . Heartbreaking album.
I would love a new Radiohead album, that's what I'd like.. I'll take this, but every time I hear new Yorke solo, it makes me want an In Rainbows type drop to come outta nowhere. I mean, I'll take it, but still.
Embrace 80's music influence...its starting to finally get its due 30 years later
We have decided that Blame it on your Love is in serious SOS territory here correct?
This'll be like peanut butter and jelly for NPR if they get a hold of Stereogums democrat walkout songs list.
Yeah, but to hear what is arguably the best album of the 90's and the nuts and bolts of some of the songs and their origins...isn't that something that should be heard? I mean, don't we want that, always? Leaks aside, we have been given so much here! I get what your saying but still...this is like peeking into a bands creative process and should be something so appreciated.
The P4K article that helps break down the highlights helps so much. because of how much material in here, and I gotta admit, it's fantastic help...if you didn't know how impactful this band was during the time of OKC, this should settle any questions. These fucking guys were on point. The Paranoid Android version is pure Can-Roxy-Television-Wire-Gang of Four bliss. Must listen.
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I mean, I think the headline is pretty much all we need to hear regarding this.
Is Justin's 'Hey, Ma' not better than Katy Perry this week? (Asking for a friend)
Time to make the Merv Griffin show edgier...bring on Jim Fowler