
Whatever and Ever Amen was the better album hands down, and much more deserving of recognition because the novelty was already established once we got to their follow up. I always considered Messner more of a Recovering the Satellites type follow up. Great record but lightning was caught in a bottle with the one that came before
Imagine for a second the internet didn't exist. Kinda puts the whole idea of Grimes in perspective, huh?
Rather odd tabs to keep track of, but if you're inclined to have a comment contest then why does Japanese Breakfasts only have 3?
Such a fantastic New Order vibe to this.
Black Boys on Mopeds is an unbelievable, heartbreaking and fantastic song but I'm not sure it's even in her top 5
Whats ironic is that she did this with her Open Your Heart vid, and at that time it was just as mesmerizing and prolific.
MBDTF will always be considered a musical marvel. Its literally the ONLY reason any Kanye related news isn't relegated to the back of a Walmart flyer.
True words... First, I guess, if there are two things I don't think belong together it'd be Stereogum and politics, especially with our crew, but what needs to at least be addressed is this insane way to promote (?) a potential presidential candidate. The hot word is Radiohead which I guess allows the free license to post the story, but this is Obama all over again. Lotta bells and whistles, hot takes, savvy man of the times, save the polar bear, and aw shucks personality crap that makes uneducated voters get all mushy and think this will actually have impact on unifying the country and getting us out of whatever rabbit hole Trump is taking us down. I don't give a fuck about your graduate school Radiohead moment...get to the fucking point.
Doors being awful is a bit dramatic. When you consume as many drugs as he did for literally a 4 year stretch, 24 hours a day and sleep in the same leather pants for about the same amount of time, you're gonna eventually piss another musician off. For him to say he sucked is ignorant. Prob banged one of his girlfriends. Morrison was the true definition of rock and excess, with and without his shitty moments, musically or otherwise. You take the good with the bad with him but to say The Doors were awful? C'mon...they only had a mere 6 studio albums and rock would be a lonelier place without 4 of them.
This is great. Remember when Goths was about to get released Darnielle mentioned that one was not going to have any guitars on it and I'm thinking, ugh, that may be a stretch. Then I couldn't stop listening to it and was fantastic. Now there's this and leading up heard this whole 'dragon noir' vibe and thought the same thing...ugh. But, yet again he succeeds in putting you on is viking ship with him and, its nothing like that, and yes, again its fantastic.
Maybe I'm missing something but the SG hate on this is a little confusing. Listened to the soundtrack few times and I gotta say, it friggin bangs. I may actually give the doc a watch.
I agree, reeks of a Fyre in the making, although the repercussions would be far more catastrophic. This is something not to be taken lightly.
I added this to my Amazon cue...looks like a no brainer for a in bed read.
In other words, no one knows what the hell is going on so we're not selling a single ticket until someone lets us know there will be more than a old oriental rug and a couple amps on the stage.
Old school...not great, not bad. Definitely has a little Pixies dust on it. My guess its a track filler and will precede a killer track! These guys can do no wrong so as long as you sear that into your mind, it'll be just fine, whatever they give us.
I'm ready for new Radiohead material or at least the idea that something is on the way.
This guy is literally batshit cray. I pray he always stays like this. Its the closest thing to old school rock we have left.
Now is da time on Sprockets ver we dance!
whoa whoa whoa....constructing a new sonic universe? Pump the brakes there kid, no need to jump the shark. Let's get her to settle on a name first.
I had the same feeling toward New Coke.
We also can all agree that Grimesy has proven in the past to get a little, shall we say, anxious, in moments leading toward a new album release. We still have months to go before we see anything near a completed product.
Yeah cuz that's what you wanna do to a bipolar, ADD, Type A, anxiety fueled, irrational, passionated driven mind when you wanna see what happens.
I have not been a big fan of 2019 up to date, but I'm starting to think May could be where it all gets batshit great....seems like they're all on the loading dock for summer.
In my eyes, nothing beats Roxy from '72 through '75. They hopped on Bowie but with a sense of suave that I think gets criminally overlooked because of how insane that time in music created. This was the moment in time where it al changed. I still think these guys and The Kinks brought something that tweaked the course of rock.
He'll be back, and he will reward the ticket holding US fans when they resume the tour, because that is simply how Mick rolls.
This is insane, great news for any Cure fan wondering what new material may sound like...spread your doom and gloom Robby!!! Officially optimistic and excited.
Great band and like mentioned, only exist in my catalog because of Stereogum which I can only imagine how endearing for them it must feel. I'm stuck on them being an american version of Frightened Rabbit. Not sure if that's entirely applicable but for some reason the same cry for help echos throughout the lyrics to me.
Can feel Young/Crazy Horse all over this. So good.
Granted they are are incomplete, and I may need glasses, but I swear both of those comments above have a period between two thoughts. Have a nice day.
And this my friends is the GenX vs Millennials world in two sentences or less.
Huge fan of Olympians, this week...some of Andrews best stuff
Think we knew the safer route was inevitable. Tame has almost evolved into its own brand. Good thing is that style is's essentially a can't fail music formula from a guy with freakish talent.
Sooo, we did all know going into it that the movie would suck, correct?
There is nothing 'alluring' about a flash in the pan who ODs on Fentanyl. Why must we compare musicians based off suicides and overdoses?
I have a hard time understanding any bad rap with Musk ...the man is Tom Edison in the flesh, and ya gotta love a pot smoking inventor that has the balls to tell analysts to fuck off then blast a rocket ship into the sky