
She clearly states this is part of of some sort of conceptual project, so go with that as your immersive source. On a side note, commenting on a 'demo' is ridiculous. The guts of this seem very promising and if my definition of demo is at all like I remember, this should only bloom more once we finished get the finished product, although I feel we must stop ourselves short on the latter thought....she has a track record of abandoning ideas before.
Are we absolutely sure this girl is even his daughter? I have my doubts. Whatever posthumus credibility he even remotely carried has completely vaporized in less than a week. I don't believe anything even remotely involving intimacy has ever existed in that awful excuse for a human being.
Got a little 70's Yacht Rock working in there! Love how these guys continue to evolve and get more complex with each album. Not many of these type bands around these days, ya know, rock bands. Gotta always root for em.
Rostam leaving will do the same damage as Carlos did leaving Interpol.
This is particularly interesting assessment...I mean, hasn't that pretty been much VW's entire vibe their whole career?
I just scrolled through 51 comments and I think maybe less than eight of them were comments on the actual music. Is this what we've come to? Says a lot...
I simply cannot stop listening to UFOF.
Their EP is where it really needs to begin. French Press is impossible to put on repeat. What Hope Downs proved was that they are definitely here to stay. We need more bands like RBCF. They're a dying breed.
Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated over Buster Scruggs. For those who have seen both, let that sink in for a sec. Travesty.
Be quite a dilemma for me....a nearly perfect specimen in Irina and a Jersey rock star who could most likely suck a golf ball through a straw. Oh these Hollywood types...get to deal with such horrid issues. Gotta be honest, and I am surprised at my choice, but I see myself more with Gaga at last call then Irina. Ones throwing back Jack Fire with me and the other prob be in the bathroom gussyin up for the 12th time.
Can these two just bang and get it over with so we can all annoint them as'Coopagaga?'
I'm just not feeling 2019 yet...seems like every week is just a big *sigh.* Hoping it picks up as we get to Spring....I'm still waiting for that outta nowhere surprise album we didn't see comin.
Or just throw on Decline of Western Civilization:The Metal Years, and you'll get all the Dirt you can handle..
I'd say more than less, although I don't think his counterpart, Clancy is anywhere on this one. This ones much more cohesive imo. He's quite a talent.
New Default Genders is must listen material.
Dear Wasp_Nest, Hi there... Sincerely, The Internet
This album is like when you're dating a chronic cheater and you're sure they'll never cheat on you and just when you feel like you can trust them, your buddy tells you he saw her with Carl at the Nike outlet. Ya always knew it was comin.
I hate that I'm thinking this (and wonder if its even possible) but I have a bad feeling about the upcoming summer of VW. The warning signs are there...first album without Rostam, high profile actor directing music videos, signing with Sony...I mean, I don't wanna be a debbie downer, but things like this don't usually end well for very much beloved indie artists. Next up there has to be a Whole Foods or Tesla ad comin...
Well, that's certainly one self absorbed, uneducated and misguided way to look at it. Maybe, I dunno, wait to hear the other 10 tracks? Dear internet, you suck.
This years Oscar winner for documentary, without question. Whether it wins or not is an entirely different story.
Bloc is right. Listen to Rostams recent music (especially In a River) and now Harmony Hall. One sounds true to the original vision, the other sounds like, well, a Sony recording.
It won't win anyway. It should, but won't. What is sad is a film thats been remade four times already probably will win.
I (sorta) felt the same in the sense that it meandered, but that was literally the point of the film, to take you into this family and their joys and hardships as they grow and separate as a family. It really lingers too, which is what should be the first accomplishment for any ground breaking film. The hospital scene alone, which starts when her water breaks, is by far one of the most compelling scenes in film that I've seen in a long time.
I've never been a real LDR fan, never dislike, just always found her slightly one dimensional. Whats weird is that I'm not necessarily feeling anything different from her past but for some reason this feels...better. This album may just turn into being my winter tonic.
Jane's Addiction....a band that could allow you both vices, prolly at the same time.
Its not money today, its money down the line. If more people continue to sit on their couches and watch Netflix, then that's less people sitting in movie theater seats. The MPAA smells the future. Think of it in these terms....remember Blockbuster? Why go peruse empty boxes on a wall to pick out your movie when you can just click 'buy' sitting on your couch? Where is Blockbuster today? MPAA is all like, "Ladies and gents, the winner is Bohemian Rhapsody! Come see it on THE BIG SCREEN, it'll blow you away!! Or, go see that fancy black and white weird indie movie that's subtitled and about a friggin Mexican maid with a dog that can't stop crapping in the driveway." Now that's some serious Clockwork Orange shit goin on.
Clearly, Roma was the real winner. What's frightening tho is that it was a movie that literally the world could watch from the comfort of their homes on Netflix, as opposed to those that either have limited releases or only released early soley for awards recognition before opening nationwide much later. Regardless, we're talking about an insanely well put together film here that lost to a meat grinder rock biop. WTF is the criteria? If they could just explain that then maybe I could understand this horseshit. If someone could stand before us and simply say, 'Hey, we thought Bohemian Rhapsody was an all around joy for the general movie going public,innovative filmmaking, a creative experiment and something that has the source material to withstand time and build new bridges toward the advancement of the film industry then I'd be OK with that because I know then that it were old, outdated pee brains that are out of touch with the world who were in charge, like The Grammys committees etc. But no, this is an outrage to the corrupted core, and clearly the reason behind these awards decisions comes down to one thing, and one thing only.....MONEY. And, I think you're right Coke....Netflix is a threat to them because Netflix is taking asses out of their seats and that's no bueno.
Roma The Rider If Beale Street Could Talk The Favourite A Star is Born I mean, hard can it be to just pick the 5 best movies of the year?
Two tracks, actually, as well as PJs State of Love and Trust which just rips.
How bout social media feuds? Ya gotta problem with someone, pick up the phone and tell them to fuck off, and keep us all out of it.
Oddly, I liken them to The Kinks, of all bands. You may know them best for Lola, or Come Dancing, or You Really Got me, but it was The Village Green Preservation Society, Muswell Hillbillies and Preservation Act that truly defined them.
From their debut through Siren is nearly perfect. For those who think they know them (but really don't) just throw on For Your Pleasure. Ferry was Bowie, only even more suave, if that's even possible.
High 'n Dry into Pyromania were no joke. Then, they became consistent hitmakers for, oh, I dunno, the next 15 years. I'd say that classifies within the warped roundtable that makes up the HOF.
This is great! Kudos.. You Were Never Really Here' is a fantastic pick. Very uncomfortable movie in all the right ways, and its music lights the way (albeit, dimly!)
The video would be awesome. 8 balls on tables, empty bottles of JD, sleazy hotels, mascara stained hookers, raspy croons, velvet dinner man, rock and roll yuletide nirvana.
He should put the classic Dulli spin on "Baby Its Cold Outside" just to add another level of paranoia to all the 'over sensitive' liberal maniacs.