
Let's Eat Grandma - "I'm All Ears' (criminally overlooked) 'This is America' - Gambino (video and song)
whoa whoa whoa....ya had me there until "Robert Smith started making better arena rock" If you think The Cure at that time and 'Pornography' is arena rock then that makes The Final Cut a disco album.
It wasn't about 'better' tho at that time, at least through the ears of most. It was this enigma that took over the airwaves and its goal was to be unabashedly one dimensional, ya know, kinda like The 1975 is right now. . And yeah there were better, and yeah Journey essentially did suck, but no netter than say REO, Def Leppard, Boston, Styx or Queen for example. They each made rock ya didn't have to think about, you just waited for it to cycle it way onto FM.
If you grew up as a middle schooler in the 80's, they didn't suck, but thanks to the internet we get prolific comments like this to help reassure us old folk. Ya see kids (come here and sit on my knee) life was much different then. There was this thing, it was called Arena Rock, and it was auditory technicolor.
This....this comment confuses me. Still upvoting tho And side note, I don't think you could post a more lightening rod of story than this one. The only inclusion after misogyny, The 1975 would be if you got Trump somewhere in this.
Guess no one wants to Eat Grandma.
This band sounds like Duran Duran if Rick Astley was the lead singer
Grimey's Midnight Vultures? Either way, this shit bangs. This is so much fun.
Hey what a coincidence, that's how I like my beer.
This and Let's eat Grandma...always seem to go back to both (depending on the weather and mood)
wtf will Elon Musk have to do with new Grimes music? Will we only be able to listen to it in electric cars?
Great article. Obviously, there are many things different about West now as opposed to this period of time, but whats most glaring to me, and why he'll never be the same, ever again, is that he's not a caricature of himself here. Kanye's sound is bigger than him, instead of Kanye being bigger than his sound.
"Influential" is a outlandish and aggressive word to use here, and for the life of me can't pick up on anything new or trailblazing going on here. If anything, this is flat out 80's plagiarizing. Countless bands have already used this sound.
Pretty sure Lux Prima was indeed released this week, or are we just waiting for the PE?
Your argument is solid, its what happens once you reach the point where everything gets bigger....the sound, the production, the money, the resources, and well, maybe the complacency or comfort zone, too. Paaks music is tricky because the gas that revs his car is emotion and energy. I do think its all still very much there, and he plays into the new opportunities well, but I can see how it can feel as if what go him to this point is what has become almost an expectation instead of whats coming from within that original core.
So a German affiliate for Playboy interviews a 95 year old eccentric music composer and a misquote comes from could things have ever gone wrong?
I like jazzy AP more than rappy AP. I'm not sure, but I think this is rappy AP.
Likable or not, and I agree, but still...he prob knew it was coming and was just taking the comic offensive to advance his stance. How it plays out goes out the window when a breakup's posted publicly so I see no difference. She's just launching herself out as the 'victim' which, well, is kinda BS in the grand scheme of all things breakup related. We've all dealt with bad breakups, but why should he sit by the locker and have to take it regardless of how nasty it gets.
Whats weird is that ole Peety is getting shit exploiting his breakup on SNL yet isn't this Arianna song essentially exploiting the same thing?!
I Was Made for Loving You (If The Moneys Right)
Man I love these guys. Have never done wrong. Still miss you Abednego.
We'll get to see the final cut in 7-9 years.
Thank you for your internet play by play. I say never mind the bollocks.
Man this just reminds me. .Venice Bitch is such a killer song
Loved his Sugar project, Copper Blue. Another early 90's treat.
Urban nature. Poor guys...doomed from birth, deaf, blind and defenseless. Always respect the animal, its their world, we're just living in it. When animals attack, I carry no remorse for the victims. Sad, but hey, they don't know the rules, so there, my thought for Thursday.
100% agree...I'm having trouble comprehending the phrase 'replaced Drunk in LA.'
Like the movie or not, it was an incredible groundbreaker for sci fi filmmaking. Still holds up today, 35 years later.
There is something wrong with him... he needs real help. It's becoming not cool
Love Idol...besides the obvious Rebel Yell, he had a fantastic pair of albums in '86-90 with Charmed Life and Whiplash Smile with deep cuts on both that were grossly overlooked imo. Actually just gave a revisit with them few weeks ago and they still stand up well. The To Be a Lover remix on the original Vital Idol led off many of my mix cassettes from my dual tape deck Technics component
Not that I mind either way, but I sometimes wish Frank Ocean had a little (more) Anderson Paak in him. Be quite a hybrid.
And you know this how? I'm not really into Davidson's schtick but I'm pretty sure based on his comedic delivery, he very much works alone, and its obvious after the first two episodes of this season, SNL is going to do everything they can to catapult him into an upper level cast member.,
Saw it last night. Was about how I thought it would be and wasn't disappointed. I didn't see all that chemistry between Cooper and Gaga that everyone is mentioning, but they didn't lack connection. Few scenes seemed staged and almost like last minute inserts to sear 'epic love story' into your brain, but it wasn't a deal breaker at a;;. Cooper was fantastic and she looked like she was having so much fun with her role. Music was solid....when she launches into The Shallows for the first time, its a fantastic film moment. What made the movie great was that is wan't in a rush to get anywhere, it just unfolded, albeit predictably, but always enthralling. I still like not only the Streisand/Kristofferson one better, but I wouldn't put it ahead of Almost Famous, too. Still...a solid 8/10
I'm going tonight and have been trying to avoid as much as possible in order to preserve the experience for weeks now. I'm getting Almost Famous vibes related to how that film really brought you inside the music scene/emotional bubble, in a way. I know the schmaltz meter will creep into the red at times, but still, I've been dyin for a good ole fashion rock movie, and this seems like its zoned in.