
Where is that racist? Where in God name do you get racist out of this comment? My Lord, next you'll be tagging a #MeToo slant on it. What happened to the good ole days when you could just label a fool a fool.
Unfortunately, once you have taken on the burden of fame, which is what you set out to do in the first place, it does come with some sense of moral responsibility, for their own sake. Like not getting into cat fights at The Met or brawls in strip clubs. To say its hard for it to just 'go away' once new found recognition comes about is a cop out. Grow the fuck up and realize whats at stake.
Because fame, money and unexpected social/ethical responsibility is too much for these morons to fathom. They have no class. Putting someone like Cardi B in a place like The Met, for example, is like opening a tigers cage in a room full of antelope, not to mention even a place where she used to pole dance.
Can I ask an ignorant question? Why is Mini Mansions being ignored? They come off like a fun Of Montreal/Apples in Stereo hybrid. I'm trying, and may outta the loop, but its pretty cool...and that new Pinegrove is pretty great too.
Jesus with those three featured albums insanely generic. What else is on there? Puff The Magic Dragon and I am Woman?
One review I read actually threw out the Scorsese word when describing his directing style. Regardless of any opinions, this is an absolute must see.
With the fear of overstating the obvious, I get immediate Kate Bush vibes here.
I'm looking forward to this Yumi Zouma me a weird sorta Real Estate fix. LIke a great NEIPA....extremely drinkable.
There is no band that has passed on, for whatever unforeseen reasons, that I ache to wonder about how they would have evolved and what they would sound like if present and intact more than these three guys. Today, and always, a top five band for me. I was never shortchanged when I listened to a Beasties album.
I think, at the very least, whatever detached committee it is that comes up the ideas for halftime acts should base decisions relevant to the city that's hosting it. Its Atlanta which could propose a great opportunity, say for example, to do a Ray Charles tribute with Outkast, TLC, Indigo Girls, and John Mayer (all Atlanta based musicians) Have something, anything be....relevant.
Hey Ryan Adams, whatcha up to these days? I mean, think about it...
Leah Dunham is the reason why I won't go to Brooklyn anymore. She sucks.
I don't know why, well, maybe I do, but I generate such deep intestinal rage when I see actors like this chooch or Depp, etc, dressing like rock stars like they're have some fucking part in a scene where they play a rock star. And, what really is at the core of this batshit anger is that they appear to be serious with this outfit selection.
Really digging that Phosphorescent song this week.
It would be very rare for Yorke to sing with only a piano as his primary instrument to be be poor. Its great, but an almost impossible fail anyway.
God bless this man for still giving us is all.
The best thing about all these releases is that i think they are songs I'm not sure we would ever hear if he was still around, and as fans these are the examples of what we really down deep wanna get. He was always never looking back which is why he'd always withhold gems like this. The motives may be cash grabs, but still, selfishly,I am loving everything we are getting.
Awwww... A tea drinker. So cute.
Classic rock comment snobbery. Totally get it, and don't have to, ya know, blah blah, like all, but they clearly do not suck. Maybe they suck today, right now, or since they long disbanded and aged poorly, but way back when, ya know, when rock music was actually humble, they were quite a mirage.
Thing is though, this could have worked if they could have squashed/resolved their ego driven differences. They are just as deserving and more than capable as any of the past rock bands pulling off a successful victory lap tours. They have just as many hits as they do deep cuts that would have really made up a fun and nostalgic show, and it seemed like they were all in on digging deep into their archives. Instead we get...this. It was really, truly a missed opportunity here. Shame.
There are other places besides Stereogum?
No one cares! Does he know no one really cares? I mean, we don't really care, right? This is kinda silly.
This'd be like Pink Floyd without Waters. Oh, wait.
In my mind, Its slightly unconventional R&B, and much different than a majority of the unimaginative-meat grinder slop that gets put out on a regular basis, Arguably, Negro Swan is a tough listen if you're looking for his 'danceable' pop records of past, but still....this guy is very important, and I bet you start to hear his style start folding more into future artists recordings. Its happening right now with Ocean as we are starting to hear his style percolate in others music. Some of his stuff doesn't stick, but as a sum of its parts, you gotta believe this is transcendent stuff goin on.
Antics underrated? Um...I mean....OK, er...wait, huh?
Blood Orange is fantastic....his impact on music is as essential at Frank Ocean.
I love when we get advance singles from the GTA 6 soundtrack.
I just find it outrageous those two, and I actually love Miguel, can even remotely be used as examples in place of Dev Hynes, vocally. I mean, like I can't even comprehend the notion.
You are mistaking Hynes music, which centers on an experience, with those like your examples of Gallant and Miguel, which centers more on, well, themselves.
So funny you say that because when I wrote my comment, I was, wait, I swore I've actually seen her in a kimono. I'm thinking maybe it was from some random video during her True Blue album where she had some BS Bowie China Girl phase or something. Now that I think about it, I coulda swore she dressed like Eva Peron for like a year after she was filmed the movie. I'm on to you Madge.
JJ Abrams - "indie" label. Isn't that an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp?
"....fresh off a 60th birthday trip to Malawi and Morocco, was dressed in traditional African garb..." Does this mean that if she should decide to visit Japan she'll come back wearing a kimono?
This comment is bullshit. Who has ever pointed race as her fault, really?? Black women treated a certain way?? WTF. She is a product of marketing and if wasn't for a iso rap verse on a Kanye album, she be in the middle of the mediocre pack. People need to STFU with this excuse. Its why problems exist. Music is transcendent, meaning if you are talented you get recognized. If you suck, you will be credited as such.
People need to pay attention to this....Fall is here with this one.
Is it just me or does this girl think she's a lot better than she really is?
This whole thing blows. If only what Nicks said about that whole '10 hits we have to do that leaves another 13 songs if you want to do a three-hour show' and Buckingham did't be a little bitch about it, we could have been able to witness a crazy cool semi old school setlist one more time with the full band intact. Instead we'll get a who knows who stand in for Buckingham on the Mac tour and Buck prob out there bludgeoning us with Out of the Cradle B-sides.
Honestly, when does this guy become irrelevant? His music has taken a nosedive, his comments are so off base and without any real context. I mean we are slowing down traffic on the north side of the highway while we rubberneck this crash on south side .
Her voice is so face melting awesome.
Whoa...aggressive. I mean, should we probably, ya know, hear the actual album first?