
I was 31 when it dropped. Was a great time to be in your late 20's early 30's as far as rock goes, and that album was a game changer along with many bands in '91 that had a profound effect on changing the direction of indie music. Pretty sure 15 year olds at the time were blasting DJ Jazzy Jeff and Extreme outta there walkmans. Kids these days.
I don't need Grouper right now....I need SUMMER
I don't get it...isn't this great summer jam? I mean, winter round here blew. This sounds pretty good with windows down
Hokey is not off a diehard Prince fan, there was no one that leaned toward hokey, at times, more than him, I mean...Lovesexy anyone? But, there is an insane level of competence with how each song is crafted and delivered that as a fan of progressive pop, you can't help but go along for the ride. The only criticism is that she can boreline plagiarize Prince to a point where I don't know where each of their talents begin and end.
So basically this is where we are now with this POTUS....those who make [positive] comments about him, eventually, must either follow up and clarify their statement or just apologize altogether. Or, face the wrath of the public...all opinions aside, that is insane!
I like these...she's always a worthy listen...and who ever said she was supposed to be is some 'pop' conversation? That usually never ends well.
Was that Rolling Blackouts wasn't eligible or thats its possibly not as good as I think it is? These guys are always consistently giving me what I'm starving for every time The Stones tease that they're working on new music.
This is a perfect example of relatively qualified musicians trying to sing songs by an artist who simply brings the one thing to them they just cannot. Like all the greats, there is this unseen energy they put into their great songs which puts them on a level that can't be duplicated. They sing these songs, they just can't....feel them like Elton.
High Fedelity is a story that must be read, not seen. I can't emphasize this enough.
Predictably cool.
Cardi B's 'feverishly anticipated?' I mean, I'm not frantic about diet nicki minaj but OK, we can get excited. Its Hop Along all day here....great Wye write up tho
I'm definitely coming to terms with the fact this Hop Along gang could be something really, really special when the rest of this album comes out next week.
Emo after 40 can be a slippery slope to navigate. 70%of CSHR is right up my alley and 30% makes me feel like a man who has not realized he's old. And to be clear on this argument, my dog is a racist. Hates white labs.
Building up a nice spring mix and nestled in the middle is a trifecta of female goodness with Hop Along, Snail Mail and Soccer Mom....These girls offer some righteous spring music here in New England. That LEG track is crazy cool too...has some Japanese Breakfast vibes. Solid singles week
And avoid the distracting tune in to random skateboarding accidents of the 80's? I think not Bloc
I keep waiting for these guys to just blow the lid off and gimme a hard lean toward Wire, Gang of Four or even Television, and yet they just continue to sound like Joy Division cover band on a bad sound system.
Random! Did notice Fair Warning mentioned though...what an insanely kick ass album.
Not gonna lie...a Killers “Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters” has me giddy with anticipation
Farrell is one of those 'all jokes off limits' when it comes to is an absolute rock institution. Obviously, dudes bat shit crazy and cooked, but man the way he got there is some truly Morrison shit.
Never said I liked the show, and tbh, it was a bit of a grind for me and nowhere near my taste, but there are varying degrees of popularity a band gains according to different tastes and age groups. Thats what is great about music...whether its a band thats some preconceived critical darling, or music that simply affects any person in any time of their life, they should never be passed off as some joke or carry a less degree of credibility. In this particular case, it gave my son an impacting moment with his joy for music. That's pretty credible to him, and ultimately, me.
When my son was 11 years old, he really wanted to see Nickleback. It was his first show ever, and as a father I was excited beyond belief to experience his first concert with him, and it was a memory he always goes back to when talking about live music. He still has the concert tshirt. So, whatever you just wrote should put things in perspective and points to you as the real one with bad taste and, really, no credibility either.
Even scarier than that is the fact he was able to escape, on foot mind you, in an airport. You stay classy Newark!
Sad an effort to not state the obvious, highly recommend the All Things Must Pass doc on him and Tower Records. Great history lesson on the power of the fossil that was once record stores.
I mean, we all do remember how insane her last album roll out was, right? This is going exactly as I thought. I knew that last comment where she said she'd have new music this year was just the beginning of her torturous journey
Reminds me a lot of Prince's Batman soundtrack in the sense that I'm not entirely sure these are songs that were made specifically for the movie as opposed to artists reaching into their music vaults and then adapting songs from initial ideas into a Black Panther associated theme. Either way, like Princes, it works as an OST album that not only helps you understand the vision of the film but also rips as standalone.
You should really give 'When you Die' another'll be a grower for ya.
"Indie fans?" LOL. How racist! I'm typing 'go away' really loudly right now.
I mean, I like it, but it sounds like it'll be playing in a Zalestra ad in no time.
Totally, or like's sooo good, and then, all of a sudden, it isn't anymore.
Someone should create a coalition that wouldn't be much different than a sports Hall of Fame committee. It would be comprised of former record executives, select Hall of Fame members, critics, writers, qualified music teachers etc. These would need to be trusted as a group with no preferred opinion other than the best interest in the future of music history. Their sole best interest would be in recognizing the very best in music from that year regardless of popularity, although you could have a 'Top 40' category for artist, song or album, etc. I realize this is probably an idea someone has come up with at some point, but I really think this is over these egomaniacal, out of touch morons.
Justin Timberlake has no business lobbing out some BS 'In Memoriam' to the one man that gave birth to his musical existence, wedging it in between 'Suit and Tie' and 'Can't Stop the Feeling.'
Yeah, but whats their stand on abortion? I couldn't pass up a Seinfeld-ism, and I also couldn't agree more with what you are saying.
It's bands like Hop Along that are the first reason I 'Gum it out daily. Spring has come early...
Note to self: When doing interviews and you happen to choose Hitler as an example when expressing a point, the words 'something good' should stay a mile away from anything related to him. Anything.
Be careful guys, I hear the drummers have a history of spontaneously combusting.
And not have any more Decemberists? I think maybe the 'as big a fan of anyone' doesn't apply to me. This is great and has that pulsing throb like Perfect Crime only more glammy. I love the different routes these guys take with each album.
Saw them at a local club in '93 during their debut tour for Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? Girl could unload a ton of fury out of her small frame. Was impressive enough that I still remember the show vividly, and even sat on the edge of the stage after last call with her and their guitarist just to shoot the shit ad Linger was taking off at the time. Shortly after Sineads rocket rise, she added a searing punctuation mark on proactive, politically charged lead female voices and contributed in ways I think will go down as underrated. Powerful band. RIP