
Generally speaking, I'm worried about my Stones...pretty soon there is going to be a hard reality that involves Father Time and life surrounding the greatest band on Earth, and I for one will have a hard time coming to terms with that.
Agreed. Different times. Thing about Arcade Fire is that for some reason, you could see this direction coming from around the corner with Reflektor and even a slight vibe of change with Neon Bible. They've been itching to find their inner ABBA for awhile. U2's was an abrupt change. I still remember hearing Numb when it was released and going WTF is going on here.
I don't get this U2 thing....they were 7 albums into their career when they about faced with Zooropa, and Arcade Fires what, four in? Maybe that doesn't seem like much, but still, if you want compare the two, longevity and tenure should account for something. Now, when Gang of Four went from Entertainment! right to Solid Gold, you scratched your head! One other note of difference, U2 was coming out of the 80's into the 90's when they hit us with Zooropa which was by far a more urgent change in rock.
“Yeah, I did it. Why not? Look, I do a lot of shit....then I go to The Gap
"pulse-quickening rockabilly chug"...that about sums up The Weather Station. Great pick
For anyone who is a fan of Grizzly Bear, you really could not ask for more from these tracks....their songs are always such a full meal.
Lyrics are cringe worthy, songs sound similar to a point where you forget where one ends and the other begins. It's a humid, panoramic record but never ends up going anywhere as if it's a watchable movie but with no 3rd act.. Really don't understand the fascination to her, musically. Maybe its her young charisma or schtick, but she's the definition of a one trick pony.
The flag is a symbol of freedom, not of Trump, you ignorant POS.
The best part about JB is the one thing I was looking forward to the most with her follow up, which was a better sounding and sonically improved, produced album. Her voice deserves a Grimes type upgrade and its so front and center on this album.
You guys don't see it? All the knobs...they all go to eleven.
I've mentioned this before, but I swear she names her songs before she writes them. It's almost as if you can actually sing them correctly before even hearing a single note!
Please don't be a remake of Velvet Undergrounds 'Heroin.' My Lord, please don't let it be that...
Yorke has made it clear in a statement that Loach never 'engaged with them personally' so I'm choosing the side that speaks for themselves, not the side that tells me how to speak for myself.
Yet again, this dipshit Loach chooses social media to call out Yorke as opposed to just picking up the phone and speaking to him, like a man. Radiohead has made it clear they don't support BDS. This thing obviously has grown some hair on it since Godrich and the whole producing Waters Album and Jonnys wife being Arab-Jewish, but still, you're not making a stand when you attack someone publicly, you are creating more havoc. Clearly, they are not voicing support with anything other than the fans who support them.
Its in the back, but who cares, its still The Louvre.
There's something to be said about a songwriter who publicly lays emotions out in song like this, after a fight that was so publicly exposed as Keshas. This is not a pop songstress anymore and we should enjoy her cathartic confession as she fights through it. She's fighting demons in public with this, and its made her much more relevant because of it.
Love that OJ song...and I'm not a fan of JayZ but that sounds promising. When it does hit Spotify, I will now give its due. Fuck Apple. Fuck Tidal.
jesus...i apologize for all the horrible autocorrect issues with that post but hopefully y'all get the point
I just love Japanese Breakfast..gotta give props to Bloch on here based on his urgency to get anyone who want involved in her when Psychopomp first hit. Never enjoyed such a sweet voice being able to be so raunchy at that same time happy she'd not digressing to one hit wonder status. Can't wait for her followup
Isn't about time Tidal goes away? I have no idea why, but that would be a satisfying thing to hear soon
Is it really that vital there needs to be a banner on top of the album cover to announce its his 13th album? What am I missing, because 4:44 only adds up to 12.
Maybe just bad timing but after I endured Signs of Life I went to this, and boy oh boy, did that quickly make things clear. Great tune.
We are a long, long, way from Funeral here..
So let me get this straight, the reason this is a weaker song is because of his choice of words? I think he makes a pretty clear (and his typically regretful) lyrical point here while a sweltering groove floats in the background, which yet again advances The National just another subtle titch forward. 2/2
One things for sure with these guys and they tally up comments in seconds...they seem to be quite a polarizing group, at the very least.
If they wanted to toy with some overused, oxymoronic, reversed, bloated press cycle with the whole everything now, but ya gotta wait cuz, yeah, see what we did there? routine, then they shoulda named their album, Too Big to Fail
yeah yeah yeah, I know, 'Whatever Now'
For a band that's been incessantly promoting everything now, this sure is takin awhile.
Your rating comment reminds me of how weak Pitchfork is getting these days...I saw today their 6 albums you 'need to listen today' were DJ Kaled, Prince (reissue) Radiohead (reissue) Vince, Jeff Tweedy (basically reissue of sorts) and Lauren Halo. These are the most essential albums of the week? I think not. This is essential listening. PItchfork, today is the day I know for sure you sold out.
Maybe I'm reading into some past comments the band has made regarding how difficult it is for an indie band to make a living, but this seems like the closest thing they've ever come to immediate, accessible ear candy, and wonder if they are trying to gain more traffic with this album. Either way, all three songs are fantastic. I love chewing on Grizzly Bear albums.
Yeah because you, Dave and Eddie in the same room putting together your idea of a Van Halen show would work out so well...I can see it now, Dave: 'OK, Ill come out and do Runnin with the Devil into Unchained, OK? Sammy: Aw man, love it! Then, I'll follow up with 'When its Love' in 'Right Now' Eddie: 'See, I knew this wouldn't work.'
Great tune...wedged this lil gem in between some Beach Fossils and Lana on my summer mix and it fits in quite nicely.
No one was able to track down said jug thrower, but those that were interviewed mentioned they saw Emmet Otter briskly leaving the venue.
I agree with your description but Dark Side and Kate is a bit extreme. I think the perfect description is P4K's labeling it as a humid pop album. I've never been a big fan but this is solid. I'll go another way...if Taylor Swift was all giggly and dancing at a club, Lordes the one over in the corner near the pool table rolling her eyes.
My current obsession on that album is Drew Barrymore. Fantastic album.
Ok, now you're just feeding the beast. Love ya Bloc.
I felt as if I somehow owed to Fleet Foxes to put in the time to listen to it like I was drinking a kale shake. Then, about halfway into it I had to wash it down with some new Phoenix which felt a cool as Listerine.
Not for nothing but 'sheer exuberance' doesn't even sound like a positive endorsement in the first place. Its similar to when Elaine was called 'big head' by an ex and Jerry thought is was almost a compliment.