
With much respect, it must be so hard to make something this beautifully complicated sound so confusing and bland.
This story is so nauseating that its making my eyes bleed with anger
Well now that was a refreshing delight lit against a backdrop of a day full of angry twenty somethings with bad band names, Seinfeld not hugging and, of course, Queen Monopoly
Fleet Foxes? I mean, maybe I'm the only purist left that waits, but still, thats like giving the Oscar to a movie today thats not out until October. And, even if 44 is where it sits after that argument, then I guess I should be prepared for a let down.
Wow, Roger Waters vs Thom Yorke, this is awesome....lets get ready to rummmmmmmmble!
Yeah, because that's what I'll think of when I tune into another lopsided MNF game, the fact that country boy Hank Jr. thinks Obama is Hitler base on a comment made back in 2011...what a revelation.
Really the time and platform for the world to listen to these fools petty sibling rivalry? Whatta dbag.
The least they coulda done was something fun like unlock the songs if you were able to solve this asinine approach to 'revealing' a simple track list. Teasing new music is one thing, but to put this much effort into showing us merely the names of songs? What a bunch of dorks.
Peeked at the setlist online cuz I had to know what it'd be and, respectfully, it leaned heavy on the Adult Contemporary Phil which totally understandable, but still would have loved to see a little sampling from some deep cut Abacab, Duke, or Genesis. Can't complain tho...good to see him out there.
Ugly how? A band makes a financial decision they believe is in their own best interest? Scruffy is right...adopting a policy of advancing one's career at a presumed cost of one's integrity is futile today in the world of Apple and Spotify. Their reach can possibly now be extended beyond the capability of an independent company that may not be able to maximize AF's future, as they see it.
Odd that Foxbase Alpha or So Tough aren't represented in this mini Saint Etienne love-feed, or maybe its just understood..or, maybe I'm old Easily their best, like far and away their best!
Did you actually think that would have been the time to do so? Make 'potato' jokes? You're "thanking" him for this? Seriously, I know the whole asinine Liam/Noel feud is funny in some twisted way to those who have no time on their hands, but to be thankful that what happened in manchester be tied together in any way within a statement is disgusting to even speculate.
It's easy to be angry. Takes far more class to yourself as a beacon for support in a town you so call 'home.'
I am totally crushing on Goths. Very catchy after a couple listens.
How cool would it be to have Gilmours Fender all over these songs. Then, we'd have us some Final Cut. That being said, this is a really good song.
For the longest time, I thought Phantogram and Paramore were the same band. Go figure.
I'd just settle for getting it in a bottle.
Man I wish I had that much time in my hands...
Here's the obligatory sports comparison...I used to have this philosophy where I could care less if a pitcher on my favorite team took drugs or adopted any suspect behavior, just as long as he threw strikes and helped the team win. Then, I had a son. Kinda put everything in perspective after that.
He'll form a new band called Guilty By Association that inevitably disband.
I mean, the obvious choice here is Kanye.
I wish I had a job where some fool decided my work with this bad yet made me that much money.
Miley, you poled danced at the Teen Choice Music awards and masturbated with a foam finger with Robin Thicke on national TV...and you're tired of the the 'come sit on my dick' rap lines?
Oh yes, plenty of synchronized explosions done with a red tinged wash. I'm talking Coppola inspired napalm here...
I'm hanging onto the the visual of Johnny wielding his guitar and destroying a warehouse (that looks similar to where they keep the ark of the covenant) of Chromatics albums while Ruth sings in her sultry voice, and yes, it all goes down in slow motion.
Slave Ambient is like their Pablo Honey. They took on an entirely different mindset after that album, it seems.
Maybe its a jigsaw puzzle and we have to put it together once we get all the pieces.
Although its a great moment in Princes legacy, Lovesexy is way too high and Around the World in a Day is too low and should be well ahead of Diamonds and Pearls. The thing about 1999 that should be recognized is that was a raunchy album that pop radio was like, "Man Little Red Corvette is great, but did you hear that Taxi Driver tune?" It also was the album that exalted his genius to a much wider audience. To not have it in the top five based on that is criminal. Not sure why Emancipation is in the top ten, as it was good, but way too spotty and not top 10 worthy.
In a sense, I agree, but this is a slippery slope here for the true Prince fan. This is a man that constantly worked on his craft to an insatiable level, and his catalog is infinite, I am sure. He could have made a million 1999's or Purple Rains, but he was always so committed with his need to stay true to his own (re)evolution. We should all just enjoy what will now will be set free whether its for monetary gain from fools, or substantial exposure to all the work he put in behind closed doors. I hate that there is financial gain for those undeserved with what is released, but this is a great, musical genius, so let's all just get the chance to hear it under whatever circumstances it falls upon us.
This is a great random cover from a guy spends his time digging into a bands emotion.
Or someone stuck on an article they did a few years back for New Yorker about being a critical darling yet not being rich...either way, this is a band who seem to clearly care less about marketing, and care more about taking their time to put out great music.
This is as good as Singles, which is as good as On the Water which is as good as Evening Air.
Just bump your damn release date up the 2 weeks instead of creating a 'class' distinction? Am I missing something? So, heres our album to listen to, ya know, before those who don't pay our premium monthly rate (hint, hint) Sounds like a cash grab to increase premium memberships, which, I guess is cool, just seems a little silly. Comcast does something sorta similar where you can watch a DVD release a few weeks before the world, ya just gotta pay 2x as much. Man, we live in a world where we can't get anything quick enough. I know this may not be a revelation, but still, would it be that painful to wait?
Was always a big fan of Woman in Chains... This is a great idea for a column, can't wait to see what's next. It's a well that won't ever run dry! Maybe just head right to Creep so you can keep Tears for Fears in the the mix like some orta six degrees of seperation
Note to all mixtape makers out there...when creating your 2017 summer mix, Spoon's 'Pink Up' and 'Passionfruit' are a fantastic 1-2 punch to start it off.