
Haven't given it a listen yet, but if its like you say, Paul Banks and too many 'lame midtempo songs' then it sounds like I need to get to this album immediately.
This is fantastic Lord, if you haven't given Clinging to a Scheme a listen lately (or, at all for that matter) run to it now. Based on these tracks, nothing appears to have changed which is exactly the way it should be. I only wish Death to Fascism made it onto the album
I smelled Fables of Reconstruction for some outrageous reason.
I still think it changes its entire color when the leaves start falling in a month or so
I'll argue your first one...Ultra was great, but a little campy with all the blatant sampling and slight immaturity to it. I gotta attach Pablo Honey to that one. Plus, The Bends is a classic "which one of these is not like the other." Tell ya what tho...there is a ton of Radiohead inside the cracks of a few songs on Blonde
Finally something to push Blond(e) off my playlist (for a day or so)
Insert 'Chromatics music applies to anything filmed in slow motion"
Kings of Leon = Guilty Pleasure
Hey, get your finger out of that girls face...oh, you're inducing vomiting? Carry on, then. wtf
Very practical review now that some dust has settled. He's blended so many genres into a very soulful, radiant and refreshing, honest blend and his respect for musics past is very evident. I disagree that there aren't stand out hits, but it moves like a concept album and his ability to slink through the spaces of each song is a talent not many can pull off. This may be a far fetched comparison but it sorta reminds me of Girls, Father, So, Holy Ghost in the sense that its comprised of unique songs that carry moments of songs you've heard before, somewhere. It's an incredibly polished and well produced album. Christ, Bob Ludwig is credited for some of its production. He has clearly evolved the sounds of Motown and Jacksons Off the Wall just to name a couple. It's such an lush, absorbing listen and will grow more epic as the weather turns. It is nearly perfect.
You're the best Bloch....last night were great IPAs and a pair of earphones....the only way I'd hope to hear it for the first time.
Because it literally take every good thing about pop/soul music and puts it through a fantastic meat grinder...and updates all of it.
Pink + White = Boz Scaggs.
Ivy is so 80" it.
Godspeed....Gospel. He's redefining it all.
Seriously, White Ferrari......who else is doing this??
So much Radiohead in 'Pretty Sweet"
Maybe I'm commenting too much, but really, every song is as good as Pyramids...
Nights = Song of Summer
Self Control is as good as any Motown crooner has ever done. It's a new day.
Channel Orange is childs play compared to this.
Nights is incredible
This is a coming out party for Frank in so many ways. Its what it sounds like when Usain Bolt running away from the pack.
I got the same incredible feeling when he dropped Pyramids on, this boy knows how to make quite an entrance.
If Endless isn't truly the 'proper' follow up to Channel Orange, then we are in for a quite a treat by end of the weekend. After a few listens, it's pretty groundbreaking.
You're a fool. Is it just me or are there toolboxes like this guy trolling around Stereogum more than usual, lately? "Shocking" commentary on a site where you're given the ability to comment on relevant events relating to the world of alternative/music with the trust of being mature about it doesn't need ignorant, uneducated fools like this. period. Go back to your own miserable life and spend your time on Twitter.
If there is one band that I need not have to worry about their course of direction, its The National. It's like'll just sound fine regardless of how many wormholes they seek throughout the process
It appears that the album is still not completed.
I'm convinced its either a staircase or skateboards...
My guess is that dude is making skateboards
That would mean I'd need to endlessly stare at my TV until they tease times they'd be airing Thriller or World Premier Videos again. MTV was more fun when I didn't have responsibilities or bills to pay so that could have severe repercussions.
They should just run alternate episodes of Headbangers Ball with Rachman and 120 Minutes with Pinder. Can't count how many bands I discovered while watching those shows.
Yes, but depleted brain cells create it.