
This is point is being diluted and totally understand why. I get all that, trust me. Guess I got caught in a vulnerable moment. I'm just gonna go stare at this Trump gif below again now and let it feed on my brain cells. Feels better.
Upvotes? Think I give a shit about "upvotes?" But, I agree, I'm getting involved in something I should leave alone, I completely know this. What I do, though, is read and soak up current events, and when these are the stories that are wedged in between the real life stuff that's going on while I scroll through my resources, it can't help but fan my flames and the idiocy of these self absorbed stars and how incredibly trivial their problems are as opposed to others in the world. I get what your saying, and I'm at fault for bringing politics inside this forum, which is like bringing a bottle of water to a wild fire, but still...these are the headlines nowadays, and these are the fools sucking the intelligence out us, and it just uncontrollably sparked me like a knee jerk. And, don't be naive, the Kanyes and Kims and Taylors think these squabbles are indeed more important. For me, for some reason, it just feels too soon this time around. This isn't the place to vent on topical, real world goings on....its like the age old rule in any bar...politics and religion should be off limits.
This gif looks has Trump looking like one of the animatronic bears from the Country Jamboree show at Disneyworld. It's uncanny.
...and not to point out the obvious here, but there were 84 people that died for no reason in Nice. There are cops being shot for no reason in Baton Rouge. There is racial unrest that rivals the conflicts that were strong 50 years ago. There is a presidential election that could cause dramatic change with who knows for how better or worse. Do we really need to be subjected to these self absorbed and clueless fools and their petty squabbles? It sickens me that they choose to float above the world with tweets and snapchats. I've had it. These people suck. Kanyes an ignorant prick and Christ, don't get me started on the useless Kardashians who suck so bad they can even make us getting a glimpse of Chloe Morentz a-hole an uncomfortable scene. Please focus on the musicians fighting for a resolution in Louisiana, or what the music world is contributing to the poor families in Nice and Texas. I know Stereogum has to play the field and you do it well, but these ignorant "stars" should be cut off.
Who told you to put the balm on? Did I tell you to put the balm on? Do you know what a balm is? Have you ever seen a balm? Didn't you read the instructions?
Yet again, another example of cowardly jabs while hiding behind the wall of social media that for some reason is leading us to believe we should actually care. Put on your big boy pants and pick up the phone if you want to set any records straight, because really, I plead to you, we really don't give a shit about your petty relationships. Plus, it much more fun to call, yell, get hung up on, then call again until sobering up. Much more demoralizing, too. Old school breakups RIP.
That Clams song is so absorbing....its like its got this Tom Waits slash Tricky dirt to it...I was at first put off by it a bit, then it just consumed me after a couple repeat listens. Great music.
I've never been so frustrated to hear news that a talented artist is about to release a novel.
Can't help but root for this band. Hummingbird was such a tough album for them, because of what they personally went through at the time, so was always looking forward to what direction they'd take with LP3. Appears like they are taking great effort to retreat to a more 'whimsical' Gorilla Manor type attitude only with that heady maturity they've absorbed through the years, which I hope is good for them.
Then there must be at least .9 worth of flaws?
Love the (Remember Him?) dig....yeah, Frankie, that's right we're forgetting about you. Better hurry up with that album, you don't want all us adoring fans to drift away. Let's make it July. After all, it's the right thing to do bra.
It's just a case of Spotify digging get their heels in the dirt and calling bullshit. It's apples MO. They absorb companies once they feel threatened. It started with Lala and it's currently happening with Tidal. I wonder if companies just start up with the hope that Apple will approach them eventually for a buyout. Spotify is throwing get shit against a wall yo see what sticks, then apple lobs in some "we're doing good nothing wrong" claim. It is what is...a company that has the steam to call the shots and corner themselves. And, if these streaming get services don't play then they make it as difficult as they can. Spotify threatens them an when you're down they call them out with stupid statements saying goes they're not doing anything wrong.
My bad...I noticed that. Meant to hit $10. Semantics
Look, Apple..for $10 a month Spotify can basically offer every single bit of music you sell (fro at least 20 bucks each) Whether or not Spotify is asking for preferential treatment is irrelevant, they are the only pebble in your Evil Empire and you will do all sorts of things to mask your discontent by crying sour grapes like the pompous ass you are as a company. You are fading. Samsung is growing. Music services are calling bullshit on you while you figure out ways to disable cameras and the competition's efforts to thwart you. Your second quarter sales were down 13%...that's 8 billion dollars. You're starting to look desperate. Ya had a good run, now accept 2nd place and quit stomping your feet in the corner.
Ya know, I wouldn't even classify them as bullies, more like that kid no one really likes or trusts, but is the only one who brought the basketball to the court for a pick up game. And, when everyone realizes he sucks and no one picks him for their team, he takes his basketball and goes home like a whiney bitch.
Granted, Meddle is certainly one of Floyd's finer moments, to put it atop their discography as the best thing they've done is not hipster, its just plain silly. You wanna be hipster then toss your ascot over your shoulder, throw on your thick black frames and spin Pipers at the Gates of Dawn on your turntable while you're sippin on a Negroni..
Finally, The Evil Empire is being exposed
Not for nothing, but there's something simple and sorta brainless when it comes to country music, and great rock is a hybrid of this genre. See, I'm a Stones fan at the core, and some of their best albums have serious country influence which blends well with their old school blues, and its deeply related to country...the lyrics and progressions may be simple but it's fun and easy. To poke fun at it is shallow. Ultimately, it might not be something that necessarily fits with Stereogum, but if you love rock, then it's something ya need to take on the chin and let pass. You just come off as a snob which I guess is the alternative fan base as a whole, but really, just move on and let it pass you by without the snark. Cuz there are a lot of fools who make alternative rock, too. And what's ironic is that they should probably tip a cowboy hat to them because it's a fraction of why they're even able to do what they do anyway.
Bloc, just grab some Firestone Walker for some satisfying west coast IPA's and when you ever get the chance to enjoy our east coast glory that is Treehouse, all will be right in your world of beer.
It's coming, I know this based on ignorant's palpable. And, when it does, it will make all our AOTY lists shift like tectonic plates.
I could really use a Frank Ocean drop right about now...
I know Mitski is all fresh and newest to our listening palettes, but let's slow down here with #3...many more deserve that slot.
I mean, it was nominated for a Grammy...does that classify it as underrated, a reminder that Eminem won it that nobody needed.
Now that's ridiculous...Fools Gold would work anywhere, on any album....can't count how many times I've melted into the closing quad of Shoot you Down, This is the One, I am the Resurrection and that over the years.
Bury Me at Makeout Creek was fantastic...not surprised she's still moving upward. It has that same sorta Youth Lagoon "Watch me record a fantastic record in my living room" type vibe.
Martin Short gets a free pass on anything he does...guys been comedy gold for over 40 years. Dude could sashay across a stage as Ed Grimley next week and I'd still chuckle. One of the most talented sketch/stage comedy actors we've been blessed to have.
Needs to have some Mexican flair...maybe a little Los Lobos can be inserted here.
Pitchfork definitely nailed it with moonface...his voice works only just often
Free Energy does it better with a little more sheen to it
Try Stoudts pils....fantastic.
"Call the mayor and shut down the block about four streets and put screens up so they could have a party outside, I heard it was sold out already." That fool actually said this on the phone at 2AM while 4,000 people flooded the streets. Did he really need to stoke something up that couldn't have possibly happened? Absolute moron.
I'm reading nothing but great press on advance Popstar screenings, and the production value alone with the music releases, as well as Apatow's involvement with the films budget, this is shaping up to be a no brainer for success. I agree that a little of this sorta Weird Al slash Borat thing can go a long way, but most of these songs so far have fantastic hooks and along with Samberg's charming and sarcastic, over the top schtick is sticking.
I always think that shockingly bad names like these are a direct result of the band sitting around a bong way before they think they'll ever be recognized by anyone but themselves, only to realize when they are noticed they made a poorly, baked judgement call. And, there's always that one band member who says, "Well, we seemed to think it was funny at the time."
Would a Diarrhea Planet be flat?
I've put in way too much time into trying to figure out if there is actually any wrongdoing going on here and have come to the conclusion that, yes, theres definitely a similarity with both songs, but what is most disturbing is that I love both songs. Is this wrong?
Sorry, haven't read a single comment and saw these ten songs, which are all good, but John Wayne Gacy is by far the most heart wrenching song ever recorded. (drops mike)
Drunk Driver/Killer Whales is ridiculous....kid is way beyond his time
There are better ways to vocally address these bad situations. This is what it is, a semi-calculated attack on a rapper. Political blowhards full from their scotch soaked Le Bernadin lunches are good at pointing the obvious finger at the logical "groups" that were involved, but it's done with such disgust and condescension that it's insane to think these people should be representing communities of diverse and unique groups of people as politicians. Bratton is a typical 'cop.' Points the finger a race, yet does it with racist remarks. It's unreal. How bout you grow up in the world the likes of Shmurda etc and see how you come out? The incident is tragic, the results sad, but to sit there and wag your crotchety finger like a parent doin the "I tooooold you so" routine is half the reason change is so hard to achieve.