
This is awesome. Finally, someone I can't stand has destroyed herself by her own undoing. Now, if someone could just tell me which stupid idiot will be going down first, I can plan my excitement!
Offensive? How cute. Kids these days...
This looks to be as cookie cutter an event as feared right down the this set list and the fact every show is stadium sized. I guess it's to be expected but that fantasy of mid size venues with setlists that maybe included some acoustic songs as well as truly great examples of their brilliance like Civil War, Locomotive, You Could Be Mine, One in a Million etc is going to be a far fetched pipe dream. Knowing this is essentially a cash grab where they take a victory lap around Appetite and their hits, still bums me out a little even if its pretty fantastic to finally see Ax and Slash share a stage together again..
Step 1: Pick up Bass Step 2: Play Step 3: Call Banksy and bury hatchet.
Oh, you're kidding me, you must be joking, or you are smoking, ha ha, your kidding me, oh you're kidding me, ha ha that was a good one, your first good one in a while...your first good one in a need to stop it now. You need to stop it now, you need to stop it now...
Bleached for me. Ton of fun. Solid week!
Whats more entertaining is watching some snot nose rap hag wannabe complaining about riveting topics like whether Drake is better than Meek. Was 17 when Appetite came out and its still one of the best rock albums of the past 30 years...and look at that, I don't have a beer belly. Can't wait to see these guys rip again. You need to probably go get a job, stop getting high and realize lobbing random insults on the internet gets old fast...
Dead were straight up blues and fits so well with Courts lazy style. It sounds like a song she would write herself. Fantastic cover.
I don't think that's all. So you are actually implying that a request filed by CBS (an investigative news organization, mind you) was because you think there are a few overzealous Nirvana fans that work within the company that just wanted to see the gun? Like it or not, Nirvana and Cobain were polarizing, historical figures of a time in history that is newsworthy, whether it be 'ethical' or not. I agree with all comments relating to the 'who needs to see this?' perspective and despise the action, but this is JFK type information seeking, albeit not pretty, but nonetheless newsworthy to some. Sucks. Everytime I read a story about this fractured man, I miss him. He was quite a musician to have experienced and glad I was blessed living through the few years 'with' him...
I actually got an email from Tidal today mentioning the new changes to the album and also extending my free trial for another month. I'm so exhausted with this whole TLOP BS that you could update the entire album and at this point could give a crap less. Seriously Tidal, get off my lawn. You suck.
Been giving this thing the full court press for a solid 48 hours now, and you are so right. Spring is here...Insanely addictive and a ton of fun to listen to 'with yo windows roll'd down..'.
Minaj's multiple voice changes strike me more as more of an autotune/recording process rather than what appears to be Kendrick just rolling up and down, almost improvisationally. I don't don't disagree with the thought of the two of them similar in that style, its just appears to be a little more organic with Lamar. And, as far as if there was a first singer to do it, I'd have to lay Prince down on that bed. Boy sometimes would go from snarl to falsetto in the same verse.
Insightful commentary especially when you compare Kendrick to, wait...what?
Steve Fisk produced, who has couple little groups called Nirvana and Soundgarden are on his resume and you can totally feel that epic stop/start Seattle vibe on these songs. Truly a band to watch this year. "Something Soon' is nearly perfect.
Shades of Asobi Seksu's 'Thursday' off Citrus. Great tune
With all this Kanye talk of late, I actually gave MBDTF an overdue listen the other day when on a run and it occurred to me halfway through 'All of the Lights' that they're is no conceivable way that album is a mere point better than Pablo (and I tend to wonder if there really is anything worthy of a perfect 10 anyway). TLOP is half as good.
"...under attack for the past eight, 10, 12 months." Persecution, really? Huff and puff at freedom of expression yet don't realize the debate rests solely on acts you partly invoked. This is certainly not helping matters by going public against what will arguably be the highest grossing tour of 2016. Whatever happened to protect and serve?
You've obviously never made a trip to TreeHouse in Monson, Ma. Best IPA in the country. It's the kind bud of beer. ..hands down
Ok Stereogum, now you're just fuckin with us... Stop. Trolling. Kayne. News. PLease. Stop. Commenting...can't stop. Commenting.
He'd get confused with the whole chicken salad opposite...upstream, downstream...illegal stream
100% agree. From time to time, I am heard saying, damn I gotta check this Hamilton show out, but after witnessing that opening song they let us in on, I couldn't get to Stubhub fast enough to see how I could possibly make it happen. Now if I can only rationalize 1K for two tickets, I'll be set. The lady Gaga bit was a mess, and not a fun one. Sounded and looked like speed dating for karaoke fans. I thought the Glen Frey salute was actually the most heartfelt and sweetest. Would have rather seen gaga take that approach with Bowie. The Lionel Ritchie tribute was vomit inducing. Demi Lovato, its not about how high your voice can go and pointing the light on yourself. Hot mess of a night. If there wasn't a 12 year old in the room with me last night, I woulda watched Vinyl.
K clan coulda used it as an opportunity to borrow some cash for their boy....which btw, if you are really 53 mil in debt, ya think making the demand and only offering your album on a rich get richer BS streaming Tidal service gives you the best shot? I'd doing everything short of setting up a lemonade stand on the corner of Broadway if I were him. Maybe I'm the minority here, but I will not subscribe to Tidal to listen to his hunk of self absorbing space junk. I couldn't cancel my free trial quick enough. Gotta be 53 million buck of people who feel the same out there...
I think hat was most exciting about that Weeknd bit was how irrelevant Arianna Grande has become. Good stuff.
That 'victory lap' you're referring to is a direct result of the pop culture world in which he occupies now as opposed to the lonelier, dare I say more internalized Kanye of old. He raps like he's got 99 problems, but Kanye 'aint one. That coupled with his blatant and truly alarming OCD personality, it's turned him into some sorta sloppy, ego maniacal perfectionist. Personally, I don't dislike the album, its just so easy to tell he's been obsessing over it for too long. Nothing consistent can come from that. Its almost as if it wants to be a concept album but instead turns out to be a collection of scenes as opposed to one great film. 7.4
This is a contrived, convoluted, overproduced, narcissistic, insanely self absorbed and exhaustively scattered album. For some reason Kanye thinks his life is interesting to us when in fact is quite sad. His obscene need to be great has created a ego dependency that's seperated him from reality (and an issue that will only get worse over time) Now, I'll go listen to it for the first time.
I'm going to be so pissed off when it turns out this album is fantastic.
I feel like when this thing actually drops, I'll be listening to it on my headphones, and then and then all of a sudden, someone will come into my room and rip them off my head and proclaim, wait, just one more thing we need to fix...
Immediately get the Street Spirit vibe! Nice call. Not much rap out there currently sounding like this. Boys en fuego.
Couple weeks? This damn croissants been rollin out since I sent my BBQ invitations last spring. No way this can possivly live up to the hype. Wait...there's the title right there HYPE
Album has been in repeat since its release. Easily one of the best so far, this year.
Well, for starters, BSSM was their pinnacle and the perfect elevation from Mothers Milk and essentially drew the masses into California punk before blowing their unique style into a fantastic blend of trend setting ear candy & accessibility. So really, who gives a crap what they may be like today...I think we're cool with their contributions. Love when people give the ole 'what have you done for me lately' schtick to a band that really has no obligation to anything. And those that aren't 'too young' should be the first in line to commend them for it Eww.
That was actually a pretty good review, I thought, as well as this assessment of what is a very polarizing band. The minute I heard Silence Yourself, I was blown away but thought that once they settle down and capture the core of that epic energy and created more space with their songs, they'd be scary good with their future recordings. I still don't think they've reached their apex, but once they harness the rage, cinematic emotion and sturdier built song structure, they'll grow. Adore Life is a great step in that direction...
Not that you may be wrong, but she played about 80 dates for her 1989 tour...which would mean she would have charged a total of almost 350 million dollars. Mind you, these would not be her revenue sales, just the total of what she actually charged. As of September, her tour grossed $130 Million.
He is notorious for being impossible with his demands regarding the quality of sound mixing with live shows. He's walked off the stage because of unexpected feedback or a crew member dropping the ball with a particular sound he wants to achieve. You are so right...filthy gnr would such a treat with a nice acoustic set in the middle and some 'get in the ring muthafucka and I'll kick your bitchy little ass' venom. Problem is to pull that off, it'd have to be at The Bowery or maybe 12K seat arenas. You go big, you lose that element immediately. It'll just turn into lighter lit sways to Paradise City
To put this into perspective, this is what my brief research returned back to me Kanye-$600K Bruce/Taylor Swift/Timberlake/Madonna etc $1 Million+ No one (that I see) even comes close to even 2 million. Let that sink in...
I saw that Glass Spider Tour in an arena, and it was quite an event. I think he also ran that tour in stadiums so the version i saw was a smaller stage set up but nonetheless over the top. Along with Frampton, he also had Charlie Sexton on guitar too. People discredit Never Let Me Down, but I actually loved it. It's downfall I think was that it was just so...80's. This tour was the climax of Bowie and that decade and the tour elected it with MTV darling like China Girl, Fashion, Absolute Beginners, Fame, Modern Love etc. Thing about Bowie (well, one of the many things) is that he adapted to each decade so well. When you look back on his career, its very easy to recognize, 'Oh that was Bowie in the 70's, or yeah, that was him in the 80's....the 90's." He put his own stamp on each album recorded. A true monument to rock.
I'm glad he sold us the World. RIP
This dude has the Midas Touch. Never misses. Gorgeous