
Whoa whoa whoa....was that a casually written mention of Ian Astbury covering David Bowie that just seemed to get lost in an article about Courtney Love covering a Radiohead song? Is it just me or is that way more intriguing??! That's like Jim Morrison rising from the dead and walking into the Whiskey Go-Go and choosing to cover Arcade Fire.
Without buying into the negative, sarcastic banter regarding one of the truly great bands of my time on this particular board, you have a point here. If they were to take the Van Halen road, play a few 12-15K arena and casinos, I think it'd have a more impacting result for them. Wouldn't be great to see them in a slightly more intimate setting with maybe a mid point setlist that focuses on some acoustic 'Lies' and just have it be a fun final lap. I can't see them charging almost $300 and selling out Foxboro. At all. Baby sips, G' sips.
Self absorbed, eccentric, egomaniacal fools that are so far off the grid of reality who are basically left with lighting their fireplaces with $100 bills as the only remaining form of personal entertainment think we do...seems to be the only logical reason behind your insanely rational question!
Actually made me a bit, SWVII is here. Finally.
Well, Tilman ventured solo and that didn't turn out badly, so one would only think it'd be two fold as successful with Pecknold.
Kanye is sooo 2014
Two things immediately... Tame Impala all way down at 15? CRJ better that FJM? Oh SG, you disappoint me...
This is what happens when a once credible indie band turned arena rock anthem pop group run out of ideas. Its like watching Kobe Bryant play basketball right now.
While I listen to this fantastic music treat, I can sense a theme...just can't dial up what it may be....
Directions on how to be a creeper...hang out in the Baltimore airport bathroom and if anyone asks what you're doing, just tell them you're listening to new Animal Collective. I'm sure you won't stick out at all.
This kid could wear a Little Mermaid shirt and he'd get crap for it...just stay away from any Doors tee's and we're cool.
An angry soul that spent way too much time criticizing a music site and insulting its readers over journalistic tactics about a douchebag artist who may or may not have had 25-30 people at his show is using Wikipedia as a source for the top Christmas songs of all time because he wants to prove some sorta asinine point regarding the correct title of a Yuletide song written in 1946. Now that's some sad shit.
When this song slows down at around the 2:30, gets me every time.
Would that culture notion fall under the same umbrella with the fact that Adele comment-ready articles are mingling on a site that also, say, covers Death Grips? #askinf4trouble
There was something brewing though right before Appetite kicked us all in the teeth. They essentially started out as a Glam rock band with the likes of Skid Row, Def Leppard, Motley Crue etc, but they had just the right amount of seedy Aerosmith/Stones ingredient as well as respect for true rock and roll.. They essentially became an endangered species when the Seattle grunge scene broke out. And, it was during this time where the band began to fracture and eventually and inevitably dismantle. Timing was not on their side as the 90's came along. The potential for rubber necking past this car wreck is high for sure. I agree that these dinosaurs probably should be genetically recreated only to lumber around an earth that's arguably too big for them today, but man Bloch, wouldn't it be nice to hear how loud T-Rexs roar actually can be again?
What an insanely stupid post. So what? Older people can't enjoy a reunion show with a band they grew up with?
This is great to see a article that debates whether a reunion with a late 80's band is relevant today, and personally, I'd love to see Slash wearing his top hat and crouching with a Gibson dangling at his knees with Axl by his side, but our excitement needs to be tempered. This band is old, tired and unapologetically worn out so anything that they accomplish together will be labor intensive. The only thing about the article that I didn't agree with was criticizing the length of their albums like Illusions I & II. Locomotive, November Rain, Civil War, Breakdown, ESTRANGED (!)...COMA! Christ, I wish they each were all 10 minutes longer...
Sorry...commenting on a cell phone is hard! Give these guys a break...just trying to keep all in the loop
to do with anything besides reporting news that's relative to stereogum as a music based site
Wow some pretty venomous commentary toward a site that really had zero
If you don't like this band, then you probably didn't live through their existence from '87-91 to really appreciate how balls out these guys were. Appetite came out of nowhere, Lies was owned and played by the entire radio friendly rock fan. They were destined to be the next Stones and a monumental part of what goes down as the greatest year in 80's rock (1987). Problem with band was that Axl was quoted as saying they should have broken up right when Appetite was released. Slash and Axl burying the hatchet and potentially getting back together is a fantastic thought.
Spike Lee is hands down one of the best American directors we'll ever see, regardless of what you believe to be a dwindling resume. Do the Right Thing is quite possibly one of the top 10 American films of all time, and single handily threw smelling salts in the face of race debate. Colleges taught classes on that fucking movie. To bash him because he's pressing yet another boundary with Chi-Raq is ignorant. Regardless of whether the movie flops or not, its at least Lee going back to trying to be a voice to problem that can't ever seem to go away. Directors bucking the Hollywood trend to remain a voice to freedom of expression is a dying breed in case you haven't seen the movies coming out these days... She's Gotta Have It, School Daze, Malcom X, Mo Better Blues, Christ even 25th Hour are all monumentally important films.
Trust to those who haven't given it its due time, its creeper weed....after three listens there are at least 6 songs that are singed on my ear drums in an extraordinary way . Its like Ace of Base fell down Alice in Wonderlands rabbit hole.
So this is what Mew would sound like in less compatible hands.
In terms of discography, I agree with you Lo Mo, but I think you'd have to consider the fact Stone Roses pioneered a Manchester Brit rock movement in the late 80's with their debut that altered the course of trend along with The Smiths etc. Oasis at least owes them that. Its clear that Noel thinks in terms of ticket sales and agreeable pop songs over substance and talent. Again, its cool he has this radical opinion and its obviously a polarizing one based on the comment board every time he speaks, but don't make the the reason why you need to trash bands that had a significant impact on alternative music. Since when does selling out Wembley make you better than these bands you pissed on from a talent or innovative perspective? On top of it, his band is the essence of rock and roll cliche...bunch of whiney band members that broke up because they couldn't get along in the first place!
Not offended, and actually not opposed to his effort in headline grabbing comments, I actually enjoy it, but this man and his former band are irrelevant today, so it all just comes across as sour grapes to me. They were a flash in the pan pop band, so to go wagging his crotchety finger at The Stone Roses or Radiohead reeks of transparent jealousy. They are in a totally different league than those bands.
Dear Noel, come to terms with this simple are not relevant anymore. You basically just bashed the building blocks of essential Brit rock. I could care less that you feel the need to exploit your Neanderthal opinion, but at least show a little class and respect the bands that are pretty much the sole reason you ever existed. Fucking bloke.
Based on these song titles, the albums artwork and this brief snippet of bubbly popcorn radio ready jingle, I give the album a 4.9
Oh that Eddie Haskell...such a mischievous one. I'm sure Taylor can get June Cleaver on the stand to corroborate. ..
I think you may have lost sight to how fantastic and borderline innovative Visions was as an album. Grimes being 'shoved down our throats' is not being done on purpose...her debut created that attention.
Good news about The Answer is that now that we've heard a first single, we can feel good that it appears to be business as usual in regard to album #2, which it comforting. Can't wait for more, new Savages to blister my ears.
Think I'll just stick to my dependable youtube use and opt for the ole typing in a song I can't really remember the name of, but love, then getting excited that I found it while I read along to the lyrics that roll on the bottom of a homeade fanboy video. Far more fun and cheaper!
" my view, it’s a vortex of unwarranted, preposterous posturing and puffery" Now that sounds like '101 proof smarm' to me. Don't you have an NPR comment board to spend your time lurking on?
Love when someone snidely chooses to also criticize an intelligent music writers description of an artists music as opposed to just not agreeing with the artists style and moving on. I mean really, the girls primary instrument is a harp for Christs sake. Her music is not going to be for everyone. Don't like it? Move on. To take a pot shot at the writers style is weak.
Ian Cohen = The Steve Pond for millennials (btw millennials is a very hard word to spell. I had to copy and paste if from my Commodore 64)
Whole album is fantastic, but the second half of the album is some of the best music of 2015. They do such a great job of making you think they are fun and breezy, then surprise you with this amazing sense of space and weight to their songs.