
Absolutely. This man can say whatever the fuck he wants to say. Its all pearls of gold while he's in our lives...pure living legend. If you don't like him, you don't know him.
How bout the ole "doesn't like rap music so that must mean he doesn't like black people" thinks that's a little more ignorant. Using the word black in that particular comment has no bearing on his distaste for it, yet it needs to be mentioned?
Ridiculous comment. Where did race get anywhere near his comment regarding his simple dislike for rap? Have you seen his back up band? Pretty sure it has zero to do with black influences.
Respectfully, I'd be more upset if he told us that he did like rap music.
This smells like something that will be a fantastic and pleasant surprise once we get to hear it. Everything about it (including No Sleeep) just whispers comeback.
Once again, negative commentary involving one of the true hitmakers of this century. A man who not only fronted a fantastic rock band but also was able to separate that persona from his solo career identity. Relevant or not, dated or old, anyone who appreciates music and the art form should have nothing but pure praise for this guy. And btw, what a frigging tracklist....kudos the The Lonely Man There on the Corner...
Funny, what wasn't mentioned was that Grimes tried on about 6 different outfits before settling on one.
There's a quote from Spinal tap that always seems to bleed into my head when VMA season comes around and I witness the bloated, overachieving attempts to 'manufacture' shock. "There's a fine line between stupid, and clever." I remember the day when artists like Prince & Madonna could pull it off so effortlessly. I know I'm older now, but sill...the effort to wanna be the most popular kid in shock school is flat out tiring which may be why the coverage of this event has lost its, um, style?
Sadly, a rapist doesn't need to see a specific wardrobe or a certain 'promiscuous' attitude to commit these insanely despicable acts on women. Chrissie Hynde, you should be ashamed of yourself for misrepresenting your gender so profoundly.
Seriously, Grimes...we're going to break up with you if you don't stop all this. You're being a bit ridiculous now.
I dunno, I just find this news so wildly irrelevant. Be better if you told me Frank Ocean or Kanye was due in November. Then, at least I'd have a firm date to put on my calendar. Really don't think you guys need to let us in on this fun Billboard fact.
I know, right?! I mean, really, here's a novel concept...pick up the phone and tell her to fuck off. Be far more satisfying and far less cowardly.
Things like this are so unsettling to me. Seems that if Compton never existed and the recent mention of its script omissions and the victims coming out from the past to point to his abusive behavior, this would have continued to stay under the dirty carpet. And then ya got Apple putting their arm around him with a 'atta boy' for "owning up to your 25 year old mistakes, ya know, cuz we got a lotta effing money invested in you and you're damn well gonna post a statement." Seriously, I grew up round the time NWA and Dre, EZ, Ice Cube etc, and these were some bad muthafuckers. The film makes them look like The Avengers.
So, an artist with a delayed album release being replaced with another artist with an even more delayed album release and its cause for debate? #overthinking Think I need to finally come to terms with the fact my Kanye themed summer BBQ just isn't going to happen...
Agreed. I always listen to Beach House while on a run, especially Teen Dream, which you'd think is counterproductive, but actually quite the opposite. I'm blessed to run along the water where I live, and there are some mornings while running along the coast with these guys dripping out of my ear buds where the feeling borders on a combo of runners high paired with an out of body experience.
I'm unable to separate or name one song that stands out from another, because I've just been pushing play on NPR, then when its over, pushing play again. I can say this, it sucks you then around the 34 minute mark, it simply drags you in for an underwater swim. Truly remarkable aura to this band.
Surprised Infinite Jest or Freedom didn't make either of Carrie or Stipes list, they seem to be books they would lean toward, but either way I think these guys just getting these kinds of lists out in the open can only do good.
I thought this song would be cooler :/
Matthew Herbert’s Next Album: “I Will Write A Description Of The Record Rather Than Make The Music Itself” Let me help... Black, round, thin...there are grooves in it and a peculiar, tiny hole in the middle of it The end.
Don't know what the hates all about....this is a great album, and um, it was free.
Yeah pay a monthly fee and you get to listen to my music. I call BULLSHIT. If your so hopped up on on getting your vig then release it on your own. I'm sorry but please don't cry me a river when you put demands on the consumer. If you have a problem with your contract with your label, don't make us pay for it.
So let me get this order to purchase or listen to Princes next album, I am being given the requirement of being a Tidal member in order to listen to it? What a great thing to do to the consumer...make demands. Go screw, seriously. And, don't ever bitch about how hard it is to (waaah, waaah) be in the music business with all this streaming services taking money out of your pocket when you jump aboard one of them only to offer it exclusively with them, handicapping the very consumer that loves to buy your music. Not that Prince will ever be destitute, but still, the example that's being set here is repulsive imo. It's fucking extortion.
This dudes the Donald Trump of music.
Ladies and gentlemen, your 2015 album of the year....
Hello, Slash? Um, yeah, this is Axl....hey, uh, whatcha up to, man?
I think Jerry Hopkins is credited with being the primary author for No Here Gets Out Alive which was what Oliver Stone basically used as a script for his movie, The Doors. You may be confusing that with Wonderland Avenue which Sugarman authored on his own (and a good read, too). If I remember correctly, Sugarman was a sorta consultant fo9r Hopkins because he basically grew up with the band from the age of 12 on.
I musta listened to American Prayer a thousand times growing up, and looking back wonder why in the hell I loved it so much. His tripped out poetry set to Doors music fed my high school weed buzz so perfectly on my walkman.
Tough call with your #1 and # 2 but in the end you must go with their debut which from start to finish an amazing example of California blues set in the unstable times of 1966 and impeccable. And, to those who like to dismiss this band as overrated, criticize the media and Jim's legend after his death as the reasons for the misplaced, overplayed attention, not Morrison's and the band. It's not like most of their albums were even considered masterpieces anyway. These were four guys who were committed to their approach and how they wanted it to represent themselves. Jim Morrison defines rock and roll at its most beautiful and disturbing core, and he was able to manifest both ends of that pendulum...sometimes at the same time, right down to his sweaty, week old worn leather pants and his defiance toward authority. This fucking guy gave in to no one but himself in the end, and although he's a fool for dying before he should have, from the perspective of what rock and roll is and always has been, he represents it unlike no one else.
Was this officer channeling The Dude with his defense?
Ironically, it's almost gotta Monaco feel to it. I like it. Right in their comfort zone.
The long version of Dancing Barefoot attached to the 'When Love Comes to Town' single. So good.
Least he coulda done was let us in on when this phantom album would drop. I have all this charcoal here that I bought specifically for this summer bbq CD and time is running out.
Let's be clear here...we are taking time out of our day to comment on a Twitter duel with Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj. I think that pretty much sums up every possible undesirable scenario, Bloc. But thanks for shout out anyway....that Wrens album will be out soon then the world will find its axis again.
I'm sure this will all get settled when they bump into each other at their lockers after school starts back up...they'll have an OMG moment and have some gigs and gags over that awkward moment when Scottie offered Nicki his letter jacket at the end of the annual summer beach bonfire..
I just had to immediately play that song again. So good.
Some things are meant to stay as they were so many years ago, intact, not try to be recreated with some angle that simply doesn't fit, and can't even remotely capture the essence of how it was back at the height of its success. This would be one of those things.
All this AOTW, PE, release date change from Tuesday to Friday, surprise drops, mixtapes coming from all sides talk. Then ya got, well, if its an AOTW it can't be a PE and vice, I miss the days when I used to read my Rolling Stone/Spin mag reviews on new music, try and come up with enough change in my car ashtray to drive down to Cutler's Records in my city and spend 2 hours picking out a tape for the ride home. This is all getting way too sophisticated.
Nothing will ever beat The Monitor. It's a nearly perfect album. It's like The Wall for slackers.
Has anyone heard Marissa Nadlers cover of Sabbath's 'Solitude'? Cuz, um, that'll be your song of the week.