
Summerteeth...easily their most approachable. Then, you can go on an adventure to the Yankee Foxtrot Hotel
You write that as if it's a surprise that Kieth Richards created another catchy, bluesy song with a great hook over his twangy Fender. Main Offender and Talk is Cheap are flat out fantastic. I wish the Stones would strip down like he does on his albums.
No shit! Let's be real... O'connor dropping the "C" word is whats stirring this whole thing up anyway. Take that word out, and its just another random RS bashing tweet. A passionate Irish woman who has always spoken her mind to a fault said c*nt when commenting on a Kardashian. Oh, the horror.
No shit! Let's be real... O'connor dropping the "C" word is whats stirring this whole thing up anyway. Take that word out, and its just another random RS bashing tweet. A passionate Irish woman who has always spoken her mind to a fault said cunt when commenting on a Kardashian. Oh, the horror.
Sinead O'Connor has always been uncomfortably blunt and has no governor whatsoever when it comes to blasting out shocking comments so to be surprised with her tweet is pointless. It almost comes off trivial in a weird way. Rolling Stone is as much a music magazine nowadays as MTV is solely a music video channel. Pop culture will always win out because it sells.
I absolutely love Shabooh Shabaah, not one throwaway, but you cannot deny Kick of the title on this one...when I look back on my days living in the 80's, it must be included as one of the 10 best albums of the decade.
Note to self: Listen to every Tame Impala album no less than 6 times before commenting. But man, first time through is like swimming in a wormhole. Fantastic.
I wanted to give you half a thumb up because you are dead on with 'Holy Shit' but to consider 'Bored in the USA' a dull song is so off the mark is a travesty. Either way, the fact he wants to build off these two sets anticipation for his next at warp speed.
I'm sorry, but as good as Miguel is as an artist, he's merely a disciple of Prince. He will always have that Prince's influence around him right down to the sexual vibe he uses, too. Not that this is a bad thing (it seems that literally every R&B artist out there has Prince in their blood) Ocean has taken his influences and put a very unique spin on the approach. Tough to explain, but I think those of us that listen to him see it as very innovative in terms of style and substance. We are all going to be blown away with Frankie's imminent release. I think it will be in the conversation for AOY. Either way, it'll be just ahead of Miguel on every end of year list. I'm just happy we have them both.
Wildheart is just one long fantastic song...its like Sophie's Choice picking one
Casa de La Playa!
Album is fantastic...demands repeat listens before you fully buy in which is quite unique considering that on the surface its an R&B album at its core. But man, its got teeth.
It's all fun and games when there's money to be borrowed and investors to be suited....but once it gets political? Well, then my friend, you get put on sides, and Neil Young is an eco-minded soul these days and I can't imagine being associated in any capacity with Trump, politically, would bode well with any of Youngs crusades.
Hey 'Rockin' in the Free World'? You're FIRED!
That "coach" was also charged with tripping a Miami Dolphin who was covering a punt return in 2010 and injured the player. Someone who is that much of an idiot/coward to do something like that needs to meet a kettlebell regardless of who is holding it.
This from Billboard: Meanwhile, Anthony offered his own rebuttal, keeping it diplomatic: "I am proud to say that my bass playing and vocals helped create our sound. I’ve always chosen to take the high road and stay out of the never-ending mudslinging, because I believe that it ultimately ends up hurting the Van Halen fans."
Colleen Green at 3? Ballsy. Fun album, but not the 3rd best of the year, so far, by a long shot.
And one more thing...I like my tennis shoes you tan cashmere v-neck sweater POS.
I still think she should have remained above this wretched piece of shit and not tied even an inkling of the reality from his comments about her to the 'art' (although you can feel her teeth clenching as you read that), but she deserve to wield her pen as mighty a sword as she wants. I hope all of this continue to remove fans from his base. Then, someday, he'll be sitting on a stool in some Montgomery beer hall in front of 75 devoted followers whining about the trials of 'stardom' while he strums his broken stringed ukulele.
Angel Dust. Done. Next countdown.
Whatever comes along will not match this song as the summer jam of 2015
I just returned to honeybear yesterday and it is so good...right after I felt the need to revisit Helplessness Blues which has got to be one for the ages... With that being said, we all just git blow away with this and Jamie xx, and if these aren't two of the best summer albums I don't know what is, or will be. I wish kendricks was more like this only dirtier. Surf is a fantastic listening experience and one that can't be hailed as an AOTY....but damn if it's nit something that deserves consrant replay. It just was so out of nowhere which makes the attraction so appealing. This guy has a future unlike frank ocean (who by the way will sneak up and make it's case by years end) I love this album because of the fact that it just shows you that rap can still innovate, conquer and create new paths for these young guys to exploit.
This is merely classic 'Mats and I for one would expect nothing less. We're talking about a band that, once upon a time, basically broke up in ChiTown....on stage. If they were just pulling, say for example, a Van Halen-like hits tour and just wanted to roll through cities to make a few bucks (hence the "whore our past" message), that'd be one thing, but I was getting the sense they were in this to accomplish something more than that (documentary. new material, etc) And, I'd think with their past and their unpredictable behavior at times, that's a Molotov cocktail just waiting to be internally lit. Let's not forget All Shook Down, people.
This plays out like some uncensored animated street film from Disney about you just bein, well, you regardless of the odds. I'd imagine the characters would be street dogs, pigeons....maybe a few police horses. OK, I'll stop... but feel free to add a storyline if feeling it with me. I immediately see them all singing along to 'Wanna Be Cool' down the streets of Harlem. In other words, this album is about the best surprise I've run into all year.
At the risk of sounding redundant...this is fantastic shit here.
Valid points here, but I must say that if Kendrick and Drake are who is showing up on one of your tracks, its a good bet you're letting them take the song over and having no problem being upstaged. I mean, not like it's Kid n' Play collaborating here..
Without a single note yet recorded, and based on this predictably Coldplay title, I give the album a 5.8
Listening to new Tame Impala in pieces as opposed to sum of its parts might be the most aggravating auditory experience. It's like hearing The Wall on random play. All I wanna do is highlight track one...and push play.
Aside form so many things wrong with this entire read, the actual song is about as cookie-cutter Marley reggae as you can get, from the Jah Jah name drop in the title to the 'leaving Babylon with Zion on his side' references (which coming from someone who grew up in Brooklyn is less than credible, to say the least) Regardless, I liked it! Now where's my Kaya album...
It's MCIII this week for me. He hasn't skipped a beat, still cranking out absolutely irresistible indie.
That must have happened right after it killed the radio star.
I just got the irresistible urge to throw on my "Mona Lisa's Sister' album.
Is it possible that, in this technological Age, we cannot find a way for Twitter etc. to create a filtering method for something that's typed online before its able to post? I'm no Bill Gates, but this is an example of something that should never see the light of day, and is tracked and caught immediately via catching the IP address from where it originates. Pirated music could be caught on Napster, but we can't hold someone who is clearly disturbed and needs to be exposed gets to type away without consequence....sad.
What is it about a loving daughter of a polarizing, troubled rock star paying fantastic tribute to someone, her father, who was both conflicted and talented that makes this so both overrated and "a bit much?" Did you even see the documentary?
Have yet to skip a many fantastic moments throughout this
I've been on a Pandora kick lately in my car and my radio station has been Grizzly Bear (tap into it, its a fantastic mix) but regardless, its been awesome to listen to all things GB from early Horn of Plenty/Yellow House stuff with some Department of Eagles popping up from time to time, too. And, then you mix in some Fleet Foxes, Phoenix & Arcade Fire and you have quite a driving station....
Man, this is coming off as a totally 'new' sound with me....I honestly don't think I'm committed to it yet, although I'm glad he's pushed his boundaries out. His previous albums were so sparse and emotional...and it soooo worked. He's failed to let me down though, so I'm not too worried yet.
For me personally, either She Sends Kisses or Everyone Chooses Sides made it onto almost every mixed tape I made in 2003.
Seriously dude...she's almost 60. Go back to your Twitter and bitch.