
Seriously Madge, dress your age...she looks like that lady that sits on a stool at the end of your local bar. You know the one I'm talkin about.
I believe you are correct, I'm seeing the 28th, actually. Three tracks available for DL on The Evil Empire, iTunes....all fall right in line with their back catalog. Should be another typically outrageously satisfying purchase.
Where's Spencer Davis to weigh in on this ridiculous argument when ya need him?!
Ironic that you mention Amazon...take the Kindle as an example which makes zero money for the company as an item of sale, but what does? All together people...."the content you put into it."
This is all Apple's fault. Damn you Jobs, damn you to hell...
For some inexplicable reason, I really want to like Taylor Swift. I really do. But, then I see that tweet above, or a shot of her white-girl dancing to Kanye at some Brit awards show, or rolling her eyes at something that a TV camera catches by accident, and I say to myself....NO. I guess it centers around one constant which is if I let her in, then the next thing I know I'm reading People magazine in the checkout aisles and DVR'ing Vanderpump Rules. So, I stay where's that Courtney Barnett disc of mine...
I actually think the recorded sound on this is a ton bigger and better 'sounding' than her EP. It actually kinda scared me at first listen because of that whole backyard twang angle which she uses almost as another instrument which I thought would sorta diminish her sounds unique personality. And, I also think that 'flattened' guitar sound you may have heard was a totally premeditated effort on Courts behalf. This is a really fantastic album. Ton of fun to listen to, as well.
Logical choice...another perfect example of an artist who was able to sounder bigger yet still maintain their irresistible charm after their previous release. Lower Dens, Kendrick & Laura Marling and even Earl share the same progress... Strap in people...the landslide of 2015 great releases is about to kick into high gear just in time for summer starting this week
I like The Go! Team as a dark horse for AOTW, ya know, just to keep us on our toes...
Top 5 at year automatic as the Spring snow melting. This thing is devastatingly beautiful.
You'll have 30 days to return all evidence of any Blurred Lines copies to the local Town Hall. At that time, you'll be shamed and forced to sing, "What's Goin On?," at the top of your lungs while they publicly humiliate you for actually purchasing the song in the first place.
He had to have meant Lionel Richie. Gotta be a typo. Or, he just poked the wrong bear.
Moving forward...throw all parallels, comparisons and arguments in defense of Good Kid, MAAD City out of your heads. Clearly, his intent with this album was to introduce another direction, at least for the time being. I bet Frank Ocean does the same thing with his impending next release. These two obviously don't like to sit still for very long.
Outstanding assessment, Tom. Great article. Along with the aforementioned Tupac, I hear tons of Prince circa Sign 'O the Times and also some Chuck D at his most preachy. There's also a lot of D'Angelo and Shabazz Palaces which I'd imagine coincides with Flying Lotus' involvement as an overall inspiration throughout the album. Sags in the middle and dare I say, it's a little too long.. Good Kid does seem so much smaller after a few times listening to Pimp a Butterfly, too. It's not an easy listen, at least based on its first runs through. Must be heard in one sitting...if you come in and out of it, it'll be even more difficult to absorb. One thing is for sure, this kid is way beyond his age and his ambition is impossible to ignore. It demands the respect of repeat listens before any opinion is concisely made.
Can it really (or should) be called a "Farewell" tour? Prolly should just be "Its Been a Fun Three Years" tour...
This is really good. There's a sheen over these songs, a smooth filter different from MADD City that makes these tracks feel...bigger. And, that is next level shit for this talent.
Kill the President with Drugstore?
Tellin' you guys....Kimye will be the end of 'Ye as we know it. Embrace the past.
I'm not going to agree that its their worst, but it was surely an album where, as a band, at their most simplistic form, I guess? Personally, I think the rub with this album was that it never got taken as seriously as others because there was zero anticipation that went along with it. Poof, it was upon us and for awhile many possibly thought was that this was just the boys muckin around in the basement on few late nights and decided, fuck it, let's release it. The intriguing thing about KoL (and Thom's solo stuff along with it, now) is that I don't think there's a Radiohead fan out there who knows what we can expect to hear with their next album. Will it be an extension of this, or will they travel down another path...and that's what allows them continue to carry this indescribable clout.
Praying their next release has a fraction of the teeth this album possessed.
Well, let's do some PK4 math. Assuming FourFiveSeconds is not on the album, let's argue some averages. I'll put Wolves at 6.8, Only One at 6 and All Day @ 8.8. Factor in the that one 'blow your mind' seven minute deep cut centerpiece a la 'Blood on the Leaves,' 'Runaway,' 'Big Brother, 'Gone,' @ 9.5, a couple tracks that result from a 'whining Kim Kardashian pouting to him to put on some radio single/girls night out Billboard candy' @ 6.3's, the token collaborative tracks with said rapper of the week @ 8.0's. Scatter in a solid jaw-dropping track 6 that we didn't see coming. but lifts the album off @ 9.1, and then eventually the almighty self absorbed closing track that ties himself and God together as the basic evolutionary disciples of music and opinion @ 7.5. I got it at 7.6
Before summer for sure. .. us east coasters need to get the snow off our grills first
Maybe I'm missing something, and I'm certainly not defending the man here, but wasn't his last album cover a blank CD?
Since the world of advanced iTunes Radio pre-listens, NPR First Music, surprise releases, Spotify's sneak peeks, or Christ, even the fact bands dropping three, sometimes even four songs prior to the album "release' came about, it's sucked all the anticipation out of getting jacked up for a bands new music. I must admit, it's actually curtailed my impulsive purchasing habits, which is kinda, really sad, and in an emotional way, not a "Man, that's just sad' sucks sorta way. I know you can make the case that streaming has deflated the whole art of "old school" listening habits, but still, this must be adding to some of that financial hit artists are feeling these days. Its just another example of society wanting everything as quickly as possible, and I'd imagine album review publications and premature evals are feeling like they need to constantly chase the dragon's tail just to get their opinions in before the public already has their thoughts and logged in a bunch of listens. Here's the best example. We crave to chew up so much internet info these days that if you wanted to you could basically find the screenplay, fanboy teasers, and plot leaks for the next Star Wars, the most anticipated movie of the last 20 years or so. Is that what we really want, or wouldn't be nice to just sit in the theater on that Friday, dig into some popcorn and relive your past for 2.5 hours with a smile on your face instead of knowing every trick that was coming before came around the corner? Sorry, but we need to get back to the element of surprise. That countdown to a release date is as important to me as the material itself.
What kinda cookout will be playing this? Unless maybe that flamethrower will be grillin my burger then I can understand
He hit the nail on the head outta the gate by being aware Chitown was in play...rule number 1...never shit where you eat. Well played. That towns dealing with enough with Kane and Rose being out!
Site looks great guys. ... great job and sure it'll all work itself out. I bet it'll be great to look at in bars and at cookouts, too.
Site looks great! Looking forward to it adapting as it gets I think it'll be much more accessible at bars and cookouts...
Seriously, what could make a human being hate Beck to the venomous degree you proclaim? I can understand anyone dislike with a particular type of music....but you're just a fool, dude. Go back to sleep. PS who said anything about Becks albums being classics? Great8 American musician....why YES! Certainly a better man than Cobain that's for sure
Midnight Vultures is basically a tricked out version of Sign 'o the Times with a complete alternative spin. If you were a Prince fan, you were jizzing when this thing came out. It actually feels like Beck had the most fun making this album more that any others, although you could probably argue that Odelay & Mellow Gold was of the same mold. This was him letting loose after Mutations before settling back down with Sea Change and Debra just blew my mind as the close out to such a great work of music. Fuck it...screw all of em...Midnight Vultures is #1 (as I turn up Nicotine & Gravy)
If I'm asked, 'Hey, whats your quintessential Beck album, Sea Change would not be the one. I'd opt for Odelay. And, for Debra alone, Midnight Vultures should be inside the top 5. One thing is clear...Beck is an artist that rarely settles in one place and for the past 20 years, I've had a blast tagging along with him.
Hey Ryan...I need to do sum damage control before I drop my album. You dig? Ima gonna bring the Taylor Swift fan club ova to my side during the interview too cuz she be like all up in my shit last Sunday.
I've been listening to it all morning...True Affection was where my jaw first dropped. There are some amazing moments littered throughout this album.
The rub here seems not to be the amount of money being made, rather the principle and the precedent that needs to be set so maybe China doesn't then decide to make a gazillion of these Taylor Swift voodoo dolls, Then, next thing ya know Tay-Tay's on stage singing when smack dab in the middle of a song she's grabbing her back and flopping around like Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom. Let's get realistic here folks.
One word....Kimye. This is beginning to remind me of when Eddie Van Halen married Valerie Bertinelli and how that sinister rock guitar God started to fizzle with each time we saw him uncomfortably strut down the Emmy's red carpet with her. He lost that dirty Fender snarl...the result was, well, 1984....and in came those damn keyboards. I keep remembering around the time of Yeezus, 'Ye mentioned that he could write a chart topping radio friendly pop album anytime he wanted to but that he'd rather break new musical ground each time he cut an album but he'd rather push the limits which ultimately advanced his charismatic and influential 'bang & the bravado' with every new track. The result was an album that distanced himself from everything that MDTF came to be yet still kept us on our toes, and it was a brilliant and popularity defying move. This is not breaking any new ground...this is his pop culture reality star wife giving him a blowjob. I'm tellin ya...the minute he married her, out went the edge. Hopefully, these are just b-sides or collaborations and that impending album will do what we hope... redefine pop music, but with furious innovation. At this point though, that seems unlikely unless you can't wait to hear it on a catwalk.