
You know whats underrated? Bands that have been around for 60 years.
What defines underrated here because the album is nearly perfect and recorded during a fascinating moment in their career. Love when people claim albums from the early seventies as 'underrated.' Like they would it because no true singles? I'm curious about this so called decline, too....which, for argument purposes, is hysterical seeing that shortly after this album came Some Girls (not to mention Black and Blue). Is it even possible to be labeled decline when that is one of the albums after GHS?
Yeah, I wish my buzz lasted ten years.
I'm no fan of anything Katy Perry related but shouldn't she be given a little space because of maternal and personal pause? Not to mention the 'Diva' Musician angle always goes through peaks and valleys. I dunno, whatta I know.....I could really care less.
Yes, but clearly you'll "hear the hound dogs on my trail All hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wail" soooo, shouldn't be hard to have an idea where said Jailhouse may be.
Cleaner is the right word...a ragged vibe that they just buffed up a bit. Which, was pretty much what every metallic indie band at that time did once they finally got a couple of bucks to go into a studio and refine. There's no better example that what Nirvana did from Bleach to Nevermind. The only difference with it was that they let Butch Vig take control, and he immediately glamorized it.
That was Cameron Crowe wasn't meant to be edgy or have this deeper undercurrent to the rock/journalism scene of the seventies. It was simply a love letter that carried romanticism with it more than anything. Haynes did the same thing with Velvet Goldmine. They let the music fuel a bombastic story line. Both were cheesy and poignant at the same time. I realized when these silly Mercury and Elton John movies came out that they tried to pull that off but it lacked what Crowe and Haynes did so well which was make you actually give a shit about the characters and at the same time ask you to just let go and let it surround you.
I just don't see it as all. They didn't veer off course with it, they just doubled down on their style. It also allowed Farrell to create Lallapalooza which at that time was such an innovative venture.
Their version of Sympathy has to be considered one of the best remakes recorded. Its all their own and The Stones all at once.
Nothing ever changes with FJM. The formula is always spot on. Every song makes you go, OK here we go again, he can't pull it off, yet he does, every time.
There's just something about Bright Eyes that make me immediately reminisce of so many memorable music moments in my life. His voice just captures it perfectly every time Oberst sings. Theras such a vulnerability to it. Can't believe this is their 10th album. Not many can endure like them, Quietly overlooked, yet always reliable.
Grunge was a fashion, not music, and "70's dinosaur rock" (or whatever that means) was not its influence, it was straight punk and heavy metal that gave birth to it. Anyone who loves and appreciates indie music should have this period of time bookmarked and just as respected as anything. It was a true music movement and a ton came outta of it
Well, first off, its pretty tough to follow anything up after Nothing Shocking and not have it be even remotely near the same bong session.. Also took a helluva lot longer for U2 & Metallica to "sell out."
I may have listened to Three Days for 8 hours straight one night back in college. What compounded this marathon singular song listening party was that I had just recently finished reading No One Here Gets Out Alive and at the time truly believed Farrell was the closest thing to Morrison that I'd ever get to in my lifetime.
Could not wipe the smirking smile off my face reading that. God, I loved that movie and continually happy to hear the behind the scenes stories are just as poignant. The recollections involving Phillip Hoffman having the flu through go hand in hand with these, too.
Why hello there Playing-When-Out-On-Nantucket-Next-Week-Every-Day-On-The-Beach-Album
This is what I wish Haim would sound like. Sometimes I wonder if the comments sections should be renamed Sarcasmgum lately. Lately, I can't get through a story thread that doesn't have 75% of the crew pretending to be cooler than they really are when it comes to opinion. I thought Twitter was in charge of that.
Start with 'Woman in Chains,' then I think the rest is solely up to you.
You do realize he uses those visual styles as a method to present his particular vision and set a tone to what he's trying to express, right? Criticize whether or not you like his films but to the last thing anyone can disagree with is how he presents it. His delivery is flawless.
WTF is wrong with an 'old fashioned' smart blockbuster that is also something rare in Hollywood today...original? He's one of very few who do it nowadays. I can understand if you want to micro analyze his output, I even agree he can get convoluted with is overachieving story lines, but to call him a hack is simply ignorant.
The man is a fantastic director and his movies are absolutely stunning mostly due to the fact he uses very little if any CGI...his only flaw is that he sometimes cannot tie things up efficiently (mainly because he's over complicated things to a point of no return in the first two thirds) Last third of his movies can tend to sputter.
When I think of Roxy I always immediately use the Siren/Country Life/For Your Pleasure era as the barometer and I just don't see that. I feel more shoegaze than anything. The Roxy croon is there but Ferry was much more complicated. I do think there's fragments of Talk Talk, the jazz is prevalent but its just a titch more 90's. They dive into ambient slash emo on a whim as well, which, when they do, is as transcendent as anything you can get right now. I actually feel a ton of CAN when I hear them.
She's piggybackin off Obama's podcast interview where he called out the presidency effort to nullify the election based inadequate voting procedures due to Covid. Trump is sabotaging the USPS to make mail in voting 'unreliable' based our our current culture. He's removing mailboxes in this effort. Like Bill Maher or not but if you listen to him, he's right and has a point....Trump is doing everything he can to make sure he doesn't leave office, even if/when he's voted out. He's asked every relevant interviewee the same question...when Trump loses, do you think he will leave?
Stone Roses alive and well with TRAAMS....great 5 this week.
Probably his exact intent.
Adios muchacho...
No, actually its a bunch of songs people are releasing to make a buck...if it were up to him they'd be in a trash can.
Crazy thing about Prince is that its not really a 'vault' of unreleased stuff, its just songs he didn't feel like releasing or avoided due to his own reasons. He always claimed he could throw out a hit anytime he wanted but there were just times the song or songs didn't fit with his perspective at the time. So, in other words, we'll just be getting bonafide releases that he just scrapped. We would have probably never heard any of these if he was around.
Off the top of my head, I think if you put Mazzy Star through a rusty meat grinder with a little Soccer Mommy along with a sprinkle of emo, we may bet getting somewhere. She's def on to something tho.
Let's pretend for a second you may be referring to Exile, and if thats the case, this girls needs alot more Fender and cigarettes.
You do have a point with your debate here, and the fact this chooch is a class A fuckwad may be muddling it. In times like these, if you need to survive, you need to figure out how to do it. It no different say if your work is commission based. Find a way, any way to generate revenue. His stance should not be surprising to anyone here, but if I'm an artist who 'can't churn out albums due to my creative approach,' I think I'd be trying to find a way to accelerate that creative process. Him being a dick won't change the fact you need to survive until you can get yourself back on tour.
When will anyone just simply acknowledge true indie alternative so those who are fighting to make music in their basements, and doing it well mind you, instead of always catering to the big music houses? Clearly, this is MTV being told what to nominate.
There is zero going wrong here. Old soul.
Stallion rules, she really does, she does not fuck around, and I am glad she is on the mend. That being said, if ya hang around guns and egos, you may get shot.