
Be aware, generalized commentary regarding the stupidity of some does not necessarily apply to the larger population. There is no possible way this dude could not have "realize[d] how bad COVID-19 was getting in Austin." If he didn't then yes he an 'enormous piece of shit.' Here's the deal...if you are 3 in ten people wearing a mask and doing everything right, you are accomplishing nothing. Especially in Austin.
I got strung out for voicing opinion with those who are putting lives at risk and giving my opinion on this dope, and my mistake was generalizing the masses instead of singling out those who are responsible for putting us in this mess. I do not regret my comments, but I do want to retract blaming everyone instead of singling out the population who is bleeding ignorance. This dude is amplifying my argument. Things like this just simply aren't happening in areas that are taking the right advice.
On a side note...I pray fro Stereogum and to all who donate and support. Please donate! PLEASE DONATE! Peace.
Here I am, I'm back...we did have it the worst over here. In NY and surrounding areas if there was a heat map three weeks ago, we were blaring red, and we shut it down. The streets of NY were vacant, you couldn't walk into a store without a mask, and if you did, you were sent out of the building. There was a moment in time where unless you were 70 years old, you couldn't even shop at a store until 10am. And ya know what, it worked...for now. Last night I labeled those who were avoiding protection, masks and 'stay at home' advisories as stupid, and I regret that (a little) and I don't want generalizations to apply to most who are doing the right things. But I still stand by the fact the southern areas are ignoring it. For those who are doing the right thing, I applaud you. You just need to hold the guys next to you just as accountable. Ignorance loses here, for all of us. Its not going away. How soon we forget...."we don't have it the worst over here." Don't let your guard down, don't think anything is curbed, don't think your family is not risk. It thrives on ignorance.
Do you see the numbers? Do you see where its red and where its not? Do you see things like in this article where there are thousands of people congregating without masks. We don't 'get together up here' and we have been doping everything right. I couldn't for the life of me see a concert like that happening in the northeast, because god almighty I know I'd love to go there. Look, for anyone (or my bad anyone mostly in the south) that are downvoting me, I generalizing, which I realize is impossible to accomplish on the internet. I bet you were great, and the world applauds you, really, but its clear that some are just taking this much more seriously than others.
I am just so pissed off. I thought we had this thing, man we did everythng we were supposed to do, and at great lord GREAT cause...and then I see the red creeping back up, and I realized that this fuckers not goin away. The tri state area (the heart of this country) worked their asses off to curb it, and based on the actions of GENERAL population of the south, its clear to see that its not going away.
I realize I pointed the comment at him. I didn't mean to do so. I don't think armyofwires is a gun toting liberal who believes in his own cause and armyofwires, I love you you with all my heart and soul and ask for forgiveness. But to all you gun toting liberals who do believe in your own cause...fuck you.
I don't, and I'm sorry... I realized my comment seemed directed at you, but it wasn't. I'm not being a dickhead, although I understand why you may think that. I do though owning a gun or not doesn't justify what we are dealing with here.
I get that buddy, I do, and I am so sorry to involve those it may not apply to, but up here we look at stats and it aint pretty, so generalizing is the only way to attack. I can't express how much I appreciate your comment.
Oh for fuck sake....dude we shut down for 6 weeks in the northeast just to curb this thing, and ya know what, businesses are suffering, and 60% won't make it but unfortunately that's the cost to save your lives and your future. You're part of the problem! People are going to lose jobs, people are going to suffer financially, its a fact. Think this is going to blow over and just go away?
Then they are stupid. Period. It's not about where you live, its not about whether you think you should or shouldn't wear a mask, its not about owning a fucking gun, its about life and death...why is this so hard to understand? I get that you may be some gun toting liberal who believes in your own cause, or whatever, but but shouldn't you just stand up for progress in a fight against a disease that is wrecking havoc on a country? Look, being in the restaurant business, I've had my run ins with people, and I know its a real fucked up thing we're going through....I actually had a person claim discrimination because we just wanted him to walk 25 feet to his table wearing his mask then told him he could take it off, and we were real cool about it! Its not naive to ask someone to wear a mask...THAT is naive. Its life and death.
I totally went beyond my limits there...and there are way too may people that may not apply you, so I'm going to go and continue to take slugs of my Tree House in between wearing a mask. I love the south...I fucking love my Falcons, but goddammit you people, pay attention.
And don't gimme that pussy shit, "Well I have a gun so don't tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do and not do." It reiterates the point that if you are that guy, you are a fucking moron. It's probably why you have a gun in the first place, because you are a pussy.
But the guy next to you isn't wearing one YBB...that's the point. I own a restaurant and man has this sucked for me but we are hanging on by our bloody knuckles. You know why? Because those who are following the the 'rules' are telling others, shut the fuck up and wear a mask.
I get all that coke,I really do, but the disparity between those who listened and those who didn't through this is obvious. I grew up in the northeast then lived in GA when I was a kid for 10 years before I moved back, and I know how different the culture is there opposed to here, but this life and death we're talking about now, and I'm sorry but ignorance is not an excuse.
Maybe I am late to the comment party on what has already been stated here, but up in the northeast, right around St Paddys day, our states and leaders (for whatever that's worth, mind you) took this shit real seriously, and no one down south did. Period. You pretended, and you acted like you did, but no one did, and guess comes your reckoning. The minds that were at at work said there would be a lull and then it would spike, yet you didn't listen, and now you will pay the price. And, what really sucks is we may too, because every one of you are fucking stupid. Maybe you someone who wore a mask, but you did't hold the person next to you accountable, which makes you suck too. This is real, and its not going away....yet you're too ignorant to understand this simple concept. Listen to those who are smarter than you, and my god, they are so much smarter than you.
I'm sorry, I've seen enough...if you live in the bottom half of the country, whether you think you are paying attention to what should be done, or you aren't, either way, you are stupid fucks.
New Haim is so good. Was never a real fan, now I am.
What I've noticed with Beyonce, throughout her evolution, is how much of an impact Jay has had on her. With each release his influence is unmistakable.
It's the best track on that album. Funny, I roll from Dylan right into 'new' Neil Young every night, and while they are both fantastic, I fucking love Homegrown. It's like jumping into a time warp. Neither should be compared, both instant classics, but man Neil is on it with that album.
Spot on. Bones are there, just no meat.
Yet again though with her, great album. Just wish she brought some wow factor with her songs.
I'm sure I'll prob get downvoted, (totally aware shes a SG darling) but for some reason I just see no charisma with Jesse. She's just...there when I watch her sing, no bang factor. She's a great songwriter that hasn't yet captured the stage and controlled you. Maybe its just because she owns the 'diva' angle, just not the "I'm here, look at this shit' look. Not wanting the drama end, just the execution. I was a huge fan of Devotion but I think that was just because I only heard it, but didn't see the girl behind the curtain at that time.
Nice pick with Hum
You can't write a better Church song destined to be another one of his many arena anthems to rile everyone up, that is when we are able to be in an arena. He does this better than anyone.
This was his pinnacle, I think. After this was when its started to get a little weird, which makes SOTT all that much better now. After that, the rumor with the Batman soundtrack was just him pulling out shit from his personal vault because he hated Warner, but it was still genius, then (or before not sure) was Lovesexy which started his deranged version of himself...still some gems but from there he became hit or miss on 60% of his releases. In between was Black Album which I still remember was never OK'd for release due to its raunchy factor (and the fact he was appalled by anything label produced) so you had to go hunt it down. I still remember finding that in a dive shop in New Haven called Rhymes Records which was above Cutlers, both Temples for those who lived in the New Haven area. I bought it on cassette, and man, I wore that thing out. Ah, the days before internet.
There wasn't much better that their debut and Whatever and Ever Amen at the time of their release. Was a great one two punch and worth the time if you got the time and Lord knows we got it. It's a sorta Counting Crows/Andrew Bird hybrid that gave up some unreal moments when it was on.
Why are you assuming he's being profiled in a bad way? See, this is the shit that rubs me...someone flies in to comment about the seriousness of these allegations, yet then goes and judges a picture, a fucking picture, and basically make some false assumption there's a hidden jab or joke behind it directed at him. I's not like its racial profiling, I get it but still, ya stand up for the cause which is great, but ya just went and wagged your finger with zero basis of understanding the motivation behind it..
They are both so refreshing for the sake of rock and roll. Lost genre that proves its importance to the world of music.
Help me with this comment Bloch...are you referring to the gorgeously cute Jewel from the early 90's, because, if so, I'm not sure they are on the same level.
There is so much wrong with this comment I can't even pick an angle to attack.