
Its considered disrespectful towards Native Americans and their culture. Different groups of Native Americans have different feelings about it. I would broadly compare it to if some sort of religious apparel common in the west became secularly fashionable (I.E. a priest collar or yarmulke). It is tricky, honestly, a lot of the fire is fueled by people on social media that get their rocks off feeling self righteous and indignant.
I absolutely LOVE Wye Oak's christmas cover they did a few years ago for AV Club. This is alright, not as good as the original.
Michael_ really needs to be DQ'd from this. I mean, what chance do the rest of us ever have of scoring in the bottom five while he has a voice?
Okay, real talk. This song has been labeled The "Song of the Summer" a million times since a month ago (when it was still springtime). I personally don't see what the hype is about. It's a fine little tune and Ariana and Iggy are both nice to look at, but its nothing special, BUT whatever, not the point. Isn't it a bit early to be labeling a song, "Song of the Summer"? Do we really need a song to be the Song of the Summer? At what point did being labeled "song of the summer" go from unofficial label to marketing bonanza? There is no joy in this, no natural growth. It was all hype machine and force fed to us. I don't know, I just thought talking about the "song of the summer" was supposed to be fun, not a sales pitch.
This thread has been taken over by Facebook Lana Del Rey fans that don't know nothin' about nothin'.
Deanne, these types of guys hound ever performer, actor, and entertainer after every show or concert they ever do. They're very easy to spot. If you are around it for a little while you wouldn't be doubting it.
Wait, Lana Del Rey is a singer? I wish Stereogum would've done their research, this is the first I've read about her on here.
Laura Jane Grace has become such a public figure for her journey as a transgendered person that we forget that before she was known for that she was a very angry, petulant lead singer of a punk band. Not hating on Against Me! But she was never inclined to the most even handed of criticism.
A really intelligent and earnest commentary on the thought process that went into this video. I'm glad he shared it.
The camera work was very good, but yeah it is faked. Notice how they did a close up every time he had to hit a cymbal?
I'm confused, Shuffles, do you not feel that way? I thought we all agreed that we felt this way.
"I can tell that we are gonna be friends (sort of, once, definitely not anymore)."
You know, you try and do something nice and some people just have shit all over it.
I can't help but think there are a lot of people in the Iranian government that see crap like this and get a severe headache.
She would have been a better Yara than the chick they cast.
I'm not even going to get into the whole saturation of urban culture into the mainstream and how you seem completely oblivious to it. Instead, I'm just going to point out that you just equated the holocaust to someone wearing saggy pants. This is the internet, but still, you don't see that every day.
"Wu-Tang affiliate Explains Why He Cut Off His Penis" Yeah, because I'm sure there is a totally logical explanation.
So just to recap, ASAP Rocky and Skrillex can parade around a favela pretending to be gangsters, while actual residents (whose lives are made very miserable by the gangsters ASAP is emulating) dance in the background. That is okay. Sky Ferreira employs black actors to make a cutesy gangsta motif video. Not okay. Got it.
Working really hard at this late 80s era Madonna impression. If this had come out in the late 80s it would have been pretty edgy, now it just seem bizarre. She looks good though, which I guess was the point.
Is Drake in character as the wheelchair kid in those photos?
Someone should ask Lana if she's ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. Amirite, guys?
Okay, but seriously people, you don't find the ALL CAPS thing is a bit silly? Robert Smith also wasn't saying anything that most people would have already realized if he had simply said, "Uh, no we didn't like the article."
That picture gets my goat.
Can we please stop with the asinine Cobain garbage internet? No? Okay, then.
I'm not sure if the author is aware of the this, but the term "too big to fail" means that something is so important that to allow it to discontinue would be too important to allow, NOT, that something is great and powerful there is no conceivable way it could fail. I say this cause I really don't see how this could A. Relate to an era of music or B. Relate to the Latin invasion.
All of this shit is so weird. Like things you find in the back of those big stores on the interstate in the middle of nowhere bumblefuck Oklahoma weird.
I fail to see how using a song in a commercial is anywhere near on the level of using an impersonator and smearing someone's legacy by proxy.
No one ever had a teenage dream about the fat kid in their gym class.
I have an alternate theory to Katy Perry's success: She's hot.
Seeing Marilyn Monroe's skirt blow up makes Kurt want to vomit?
Guess we know who stole that paper mache head from Arcade Fire.
Justin is going to read this stereogum post and bitch about how everyone hates on him in his next Rolling Stone cover.