
With special iTunes bonus track: "Thanks, Friend."
That was supposed to be a reply to Shellbomber, but this reply won't reply either, I'm sure.
She just posted on the Ebert thread. If you could somehow move your comment over, then it wouldn't look out of place. But for that, you would need to believe in miracles.
I've been reading Ebert's reviews since I was about 11, and I think I read the 1997 Movie Yearbook cover to cover (that's like 800 pages, guys!). Anyways, Ebert's one of the main reasons why I love movies and other junk so, basically, he's really great. Also, DUH.
OMG can we talk about MIGAS, you guys?? This place in Austin called Janitzio's has the best migas tacos EVER. So GOOD. Also, Joe Barton is a giant turd. I'm ashamed to be from the same state as him. - Natalie Maines
I am LOL-ing as we speak (type?).
Prop G.I. Joe: The Rise of Carver (yikes)
In The Cutty. (That movie is way too obscure.)
Steve Earle! So I guess that's a "no" from me. He's perfectly fine!
Bad Lieutenant Daniels: Port of Call Treme
Jars of Clay Davis. (Christian bands count, right?)
SPOILER ALERT: That last one's not a trunk, though.
Allow me to play Devil's Advocate: "Both of these two guys can seriously go fuck themselves." Is that right? That's how Devil's Advocate works, isn't it?
Oh great. Now I look like an idiot.
Gabe, I think now you should apologize to Tony Hayward for misspelling his name. Because if anybody needs to be apologized to, it's that guy!
He should just change his slogan to "Are you fucking out, or are you fucking in?"
You rang?! (Let's hear it for outdated Maynard G. Krebs references!)
I saw a Piggly Wiggly in Arkansas once.
Jessica Biel is WAAAAYYYY prettier than Alba-face. She's just alright. But the point is moot because they're both TERRIBLE actresses. Or at the very least, terrible at choosing roles.
A Neko Case-plasty?
Thanks, werttrew! I knew I could count on you!
Holy hell, what is that from??
"Tard-faced" should clearly have a dash between it. I don't know how on earth you could have missed that.
Kevin Eubanks CLEARLY plays an electric guitar, NOT a bass. (Why do I know this?) ::sobs::
Is it possible for this to win highest-rated of the week? Is that allowed?
Fist jab?? That sounds vaguely threatening/sexual.
There weren't enough kickbacks for Clay Davis to pull the necessary strings to get a Starbucks put in nearby.
This is great and all, but you're not answering one very important question which is WHERE WAS WALLACE, GABE??!!! WHERE THE FUCK WAS WALLACE AT THE PAINTBALL EVENT???!! Oh right. Playing football in Dillon, Texas.
Bum and Bummer (Does that even make sense?)
Eric and Tami need Emmys too! Where are their Emmys?!? Also, Buddy Garrity!
Alfred Hitchcock was very fond of MacGuffins.
Can Gabe retroactively include Alfred Hitchcock in his "Best People of the Year" dealy at the end of 2010? Because I think this earns it.
Papyrus totally sux, amirite, guys?
Ummm...this is weird. Because I have always gotten Jesse Camp mixed up with singer Jesse Malin. But because of what you said, I might start getting ALL 3 of them mixed up. My brainz is messed up!