
Phil and Thom?? Who do you think is doing all that incredible orchestration that fills it out. Just because the other guys don't play guitar as much on this, doesn't mean they weren't involved.
Two 10" records. Can't fit more than an average full length on that.
Five years after Pinkerton, Weezer's popularity had already skyrocketed, they reunited, and put out a super mediocre comeback record. Five years after First Impressions Of Earth, people are still pretty indifferent about it.
Give HTTT another shot. Shit's fantastic through-and-through.
With all sincerity, I believe Amnesiac is a far better album than Kid A. It was just in its wake, so it didn't have as big of an impact. But song-for-song, I'll take Amnesiac ANY day.
You're forgetting that Pinkerton was super good.
Does the "mmm" mean you ate it? Gross.
(You're making me do this) Neil Simon is an American playwright (Barefoot In The Park, The Odd Couple), Neil Young is a Canadian songwriter (After The Goldrush, which, yes, I do own on vinyl. It's great). I know you probably didn't mean it, but you can't throw these softballs. If you call someone an idiot, read what you write before you post it.
You can't compare something to All American Rejects without listening to All American Reject, therefore: you lose.
Welcome to Interpol's life.
Everyone liked Kings Of Leon better when they were trying to sound like The Strokes. That's just a fact. Also, your comment is so far off the mark.
There's been a longstanding Strokes/Coppola connection. Sophia Coppola did an Air video, and has used Air and Phoenix in her movies, as well as The Strokes. She's Phoenix's singer's baby momma. Her brother Roman did the videos for all the Is This It songs. The idea that they know each other should be no surprise. But just listen to the Phoenix album, It's Never Been Like That and it's obvious that there's a musical connection, too.
Just because you do it for a living doesn't mean there's any integrity involved.
Really?? This does nothing for Arcade Fire. It certainly doesn't promote them. It tries to emulate them in an attempt to reach for the same affect, directly avoiding promoting them or paying them. "Everybody wins"?? How does anyone win? In spite of you, I'm glad that others still value creativity and the arts.
"Statement" reviews are so pathetic. This album is fantastic. And the review doesn't even try to justify the score.
This is like a good version of Ariel Pink's "Round And Round"
You're right. Weird that folks are so quick to thumbs_down you for it.
Yeah, that first verse feels Conor Oberst in his underpants. But they bring it together rull good. Nice song. Damn solid.
There's noting commercial about this album. What are you listening to??
The Shephard's Dog was way more produced than this album. [I realize that "produced" is such a nebulous term, but I think here, you're referring to anything that isn't straight into a mic] I really can't figure out how you say this is way over produced but Shephard's Dog was a good example of "playing with texture." That album was way more studio-minded. Hm. Listen again, because this certainly does have a much more live feel than the last one. I can't get behind the flute and sax solos, though. This cop movie soundtrack stuff is a little silly sometimes. BUT some of the songs are really fantastic, here. I hope people aren't too thrown off to see that.
"(and perhaps some zealous, coordinated portion of Titus’s fanbase)" Really? You can't just accept that other people enjoyed something more that you guys did? You have to qualify it with a "perhaps" conspiracy theory? Give credit where it's due. Great album.
this description is exactly what his album sounds like to me. exact representation.
Pretty sure Kanye is #1 in BK, too...
"The article isn’t called 8 reasons why i’m right about liking MAYA and you’re all stupid." Might as well be. Plus his "reasons" aren't very solid..."punk as fuck"?? Really. That's one of your reasons? Because it sounds shitty AND is on a major doesn't make it good music. Neither does claiming the cover really is good (even though it isn't), or the fact that she talks about the fact that she's rich... What weird logic.
What a weird post. Don't tell people they are wrong...that shouldn't be the point. Yeah you liked it. And some people didn't...that's how these things work... And really, is this just about how you think it's better than Pitchfork did?? Welcome to the fucking internet.
Truthfully, "I Can Change" was one of my favorite songs from the first time I heard it. I really think it's breathtaking. Very few songs can compete with it this year (maybe "Excuses" by Morning Benders or "Blood Buzz Ohio" or "All Of The Lights" or "Sprawl pt. II").
Also crazy that one of the albums on the list wasn't even reviewed by the site.
It's worth mentioning that the biggest problem with their reviews is that one writer trying to be a hero can make or break the reception of the album. Another writer probably wouldn't have dropped a 10.0 on Kanye, other BNMs might not have been given the honor by a different writer, etc. I don't know how they calculate their top 50, but it's worth mentioning with regards to non-BNM albums making the cut/BNM's albums not included.
Wolf Parade deserves so much credit for Expo 86, and Sufjan should be top 5, but the BSS album was sadly underwhelming. Also, Radio Dept got an honorable mention (which is better than nothing, like Wolf Parade).
Cannot get into Ariel Pink. At all. Really.
Call me boring, but Arcade Fire, National, Wolf Parade, The Walkmen all deserve top ten placement (along with LCD, Deerhunter, Sufjan, Kanye). -Morning Benders deserve more love, and same with Owen Pallett. -I still believe that Sleigh Bells = Len + NuMetal -Foals' record is insanely underrated. Wow. -And Damien Jurado deserves much much more love (as usual). The man knows how to write a song. Music is good.
Pretty sure he changed "I just believe in me/Yoko and me" to "...Wilco and me." And I love him for it.
Try harder. A better joke would have been Zach Galifianakis (if you had made it about four years ago).
The sadness of being a Death Cab fan is less that lots of people like them and more that their songs are so boring and lifeless since Transantlanticism. I still think We Have The Facts is the best think they've done musically and lyrically, but of course I'll give this one a go when it comes out. And I don't mean this in an "I liked them before you, so I'm going to say the earlier stuff is better" kind of way...I really can't get through most of the songs from Plans on.
And yet the headline on the front page still says "Debbie Harry Escaped Ted Bundy."
Good to see Korn finally get a nod.
Wow, this is just as good, if not better than anything they put out after Something To Write Home About. And I really think it's a stretch to call On A Wire "notable." For me, it signaled the end of an era.