
I'm not presuming anything. I'm directly responding to all the comments that say it's not as good as the first album. I know you make the distinction between change in style and change in quality, which I totally agree with. But yeah. I think I just really enjoy these songs because they seem to have an energy that was lacking on the last album (though I loved it very much). And don't get me started on Antics. To me, it makes Turn On The Bright Lights look like a warm-up. But that's an argument for when the new Interpol leaks later this year.
These songs are SO GOOD. Especially the Spencer jam. And I too love both sides of the equation for a multitude of reasons. It's silly to be upset that a band can't replicate their debut. Remember when everyone complained that Room On Fire didn't sound enough like Is This It? Bottom line: bands with incredible debuts will take a lot of heat when they put out successive albums, whether it's terrible or amazing (or somewhere between). All these folks will complain about the new Arcade Fire this year when it doesn't sound like Funeral, just like they did when Neon Bible came out. People are weird.
Everything before Revolver was merely practice.
Wow, this is really exciting. They've been trying to describe it as fairly experimental and out-there, but this is pretty straight-up enjoyable. The loops and guitar lines are great. Can't wait to hear a full record of this.
Hi, I'm In Rainbows, have you heard me before?
So confused. This article is published about a month ago, then out of the blue Pitchfork, MBV, NPR, and now Stereogum "report" it as "news." Furthermore, it's being completely sensationalized with headlines like "No more Radiohead LPs" or "Radiohead not releasing any more albums" [I know those aren't verbatim, but they capture the same overblown sentiment]. At least Stereogum left it at "not coming anytime soon," which is much closer to what Thom Yorke was talking about in the first place. For once, the internet was way behind on something and is looking foolish stumbling all over itself trying to make this a new story. PS. The Phil Elverum interview is GREAT.