
No question mark needed. I am very steadfast in my statement about recoiling.
Jamie Walters lololol. I guess that Confessions of a Teen Idol show didn't exactly relaunch his career like Baio intended. Also, I don't know about you guys but I definitely recoiled at the sight of Daryl Hannah?
I just has a physical response from feeling embarrassed for everyone in this video. I may have actually broken out in hives. I'm sure that was definitely her intent.
Also a true story, but probably not as funny: my Italian grandmother is a Jehovah's witness, and before my older brother turned four, she told him that he Jehovah would be watching on his birthday. Who knows how in depth she got, but she definitely made him aware that celebrating birthdays was wrong. At the restaurant with my mom's family (#child of divorce), they brought out the cake and sang and my brother burst into tears and screamed nonsensically about Johavah. This grandmother also used to cook a big dinner on Christmas Eve and call it "The 24" to avoid any suspicion.
I could watch Julia Roberts awkwardly laugh at a joke in a language she doesn't understand all day.
Well, I canceled my Gleecott over the God loving/fat shaming episodes to watch this one. There was still fat shaming (then again, I have to admit that I DO love Cadbury in any eggs for Christmas, ya'll!), but the last number was just great--same spirit as the first season. I am prepared to Gleecott AGAIN if the hot guy and Kurt don't make out soon. Let's get Queer as Folk up in here.
I have to admit that I'm more attracted to you just knowing you have an accent.
You know things are bad when your own friends are taping your embarrassing dancing. (Yes, I got to the end of the video.)
Hi! Come join! My email is lms847 on gmail. Or leave yours here and I'll find you. We're just emailing back and forth for now.
Every time I see this, I laugh. Also, why haven't you joined the coalition yet?
Ok guys, I have a lot more things to say re: my main problem with the 6th movie and the missing pieces of the 7th (and also general HP nerdery that I am more than willing to explore). So how should we continue (if you do indeed want to and aren't just appeasing me because I'm clearly [CLEARLY] insane)? An option: a gmail conversation because those can go on forever and ever. I'm pretty sure no one is reading this but us losers so I don't really have a problem putting my email out there if you guys want to email me with yours. ANOTHER option: I have a blog (of course I do) which can be found on my Vgum profile; I haven't really written much lately but I could put up a post about HP and we could comment on that every day until we die. Actually, my email is found through there too. Thoughts? Feelings?
Not that I know or anything...but usually at electronic stores like that, they go through the line and hand out tickets for certain items. So they'd go to crazy lady there and be like, "What're you here for?" And she'd be like, "A big TV for my daughter (don't worry, she already knows), one of those Apple compooters, a soul, dignity, etc." And they'd say, "Pick one." And she'd say, "Tough choice but definitely the TV."
I hate when the thread stops having reply buttons. Why is it punishing us? (I get why it's punishing us.) In response to the new HP pals, you can all join the coalition (because the coalition is obviously something I made up last night and is therefore ready to expand). Maybe we can take this elsewhere where there is an infinite number of reply buttons and we can talk about HP forever. (Yikes. Sorry. But also, can we?) Loudashope: You know I loved the Dobby scene. As much as someone can love something that RIPS THEIR HEART OUT. I love that the movie didn't sweep over it and was like, "Oh yeah. He's digging a grave. This is momentous." Also, at your premiere, did everyone squeal and clap every single time Dobby showed up? It was lovely. And like you, I have absolutely no interest in the opinions of people who didn't read the books because COME ON, read a book, you people. It's so weird how some go to every movie but won't even try the books--this isn't Lord of the Rings, just read them. I have members of my family who started them but never finished. After, like, book 6. This just baffles me. READ IT FEVERISHLY IN ONE NIGHT AFTER WAITING IN LINE FOR IT or it didn't happen. Even though Hedwig was given less time in the movie, I still cried. I know this is weird, but I have a one-year-old dog, so when Hedwig and then Dobby died, it felt like they were my dog. (Is that weird? Am I typing this on a public forum?) I think the scene that got me emotional though I wouldn't have expected it was Hermione being tortured by Bellatrix (and also seeing the sexual threat of the snatchers). Like I said previously, the violence and fear felt so real in this one. (I'm pretty sure I'm having nightmares about Bathilda every single night.) Potterologist: I actually just reread the series recently and then watched the movies. I used to be able to separate them and not get so upset, but having everything so fresh in my mind, I found I didn't enjoy the 5th and 6th as much because they were so off path. That's how I know the 7th was good because I wasn't thinking about the glaring differences--they were mostly minor things and the integrity of the story was there. Agreed about the burrows--and I love when in the beginning of the 7th, they're like, "Erm, this is Bill...? Have we not mentioned him before...? He likes his meat rare...?"
Ok I'm way too excited about this discussion and need to RELAX. Anyway, I can't believe you hid your true identity from me, but at the same time, you should know by "teenagers," I mostly meant young people who were NOT taking the movie seriously enough. You obviously do not fall into this category. I guess, if anything, I should be ashamed that I go and wait in premiere lines and then yell "GET OFF MY LAWN!! Also, where did you get that wand?" I'm glad we agree about the dancing and the nudie kissing--I'd hate for the Coalition to be divided on this. I think maybe it was disturbing because they have been more or less asexual throughout. (Plus, Daniel Radcliffe's sexuality in general confuses the fuck out of me. Did I mention that I saw him naked in Equus? And then stood in a line afterward too? Because I'm an adult and that's what adults do.) I guess it's very clear in the book that Harry and Hermione are friends (and more like siblings), and I think that's why die-hard fans feel so resistant to any HINT of anything else. (We are HP fundamentalists.) But the dancing scene was very Un-Harry-Potter-Movie and I think that's why I loved (but was confused by) it.
I did it! I did it! And now Neville will own this thread! King Neville! (I should put myself to bed.)
You don't know about hot? (I don't actually know how to add images because I've apparently been too busy reading books like a nerd, but do me a favor and LOOK AT HIM. Just...look at him. Even if it means copy and pasting.)
Loudashope, I definitely left a comment in the last Monsters Ball about how I want to be friends because you also want to beat up teenagers (basically). I'm clearly stalking you because I think we need to start an East to West Coast Videogum Harry Potter Coalition. Ok, about the dancing. I have to admit that when I was watching the movie, I raised my hands and looked at my friend and we mouthed, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" But, upon reflection, I decided that it was a great artistic decision. First of all, it kind of shows how the stakes have changed a bit and how they're adults now. There's tension, there are feelings, and sometimes, there is dancing. (Also, what a great song.) As far as the nudity--that was a very odd moment (a very long, odd moment) but I think it was meant to show just how evil Voldemort is (and also the adulthood thing I mentioned). I mean, I don't know about you, but this movie made me want to pee my pants, and I think that's because it really stepped up the realistic factor--he feels like a real threat just like in the book. So I didn't like it but I get it, I guess. I actually thought this movie was most true to the book. Even though it will be torture waiting for the last, I'm so glad they will be covering as much as possible by splitting it up.
I'm the real Liz Lemon if Liz Lemon didn't have a job, hadn't lost the "before she was famous" weight, and was funny only 6 out of 10 times (instead of all the times).
"Hey losers, they're not here." Stop being the BEST, Neville. (Now that I read his quote over, it's clear he was talking to us.)
We may be soul mates. I get excited over very unexciting free things (a piece of cake, a comedy show, a cookie at Subway with my $5 foot-long [why are these 66% about food?]). So I'm almost positive I would be a celebrated gif on Videogum if I had been in that audience.
AND YOU GET A CAR! AND YOU GET A CAR! (I wonder if I have to stop saying that constantly now that she had a new Favorite Things episode.)
Ugh, I can't believe I came late to the thread where we were actually prompted to talk about Harry Potter (which is literally the only thing I want to talk about for the rest of my life). In other news, Hot Neville At the Premiere is now my facebook profile picture because of how he is hot now. And yes, I'm an adult woman. (And since I mentioned a Videogum dating site, I'm now understanding why it is that I'm single...)
I'm a girl (into nerdy, sarcastic guys--take note, ya'll) so I think I ruined the love connection. BUT I did just do a search for "Videogum" on OkCupid and it yielded humorous results. Recommended.
I was trying to reply to you on our impromptu Harry Potter thread, but there was no reply button. (Conspiracy?) But I wanted to say: Let's be friends. (It was funnier and less creepy when it was a response to an insane HP rant.) I guess this means that Steve's idea makes sense--if we had our own pages for messages and crap, kind of like Gawker, I could have saved myself public embarrassment.
In a good way? Plus, we already have the sexual tension--people are internet-marrying, Gabe is always shirtless, and we are occasionally able to accidentally look at each other's facebook pages in order to assess attractiveness (just me?).
I think this is a good time to mention I have spent hours (and hours) thinking about how to convince Gabe to start an offshoot of Videogum that is a dating site for monsters. I realize we don't have enough people for it not to turn into some sort of inbred royal family deal, but, like, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try! #desperate #datinginnewyorkishard
Sometimes I think that all I do is talk about and promote Videogum. Tertiary friends on Facebook and Twitter (and Xanga, jk lolz even though I had one five years ago) probably think I don't know how the internet works and only know how to go to one website. Case in point, on my OkCupid profile (don't you judge me), Videogum is listed as one of the six things I can't live without. #mliv
12 hours? Where in the world were you? I waited a while in a packed, hot hallway at the most unorganized theater of all time (Union Square, NYC). The line wrapped around so we were facing opposite directions, and when it started to move and the people behind us started to go ahead of us, I actually shouted, "No, no, no. I will FUCK a teenager up." Shockingly, this worked. I'm worried that when the last one comes out, I'll actually have a nervous breakdown because I'll have nothing else to look forward to. What if this is it? What if we have to find jobs at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter because it's the only way we can meld reality with Harry Potter without being institutionalized?
Three cheers for Neville, who was in the movie for exactly five seconds. Decidedly not enough Neville. Did you guys also notice you were surrounded by teenagers and then say, "I'm getting too old for this" but then also cheer and cry and gasp along with them the entire time? It was a roller coaster of emotions. I feel like one of those weirdos who, after seeing Avatar, had trouble rejoining the real world. All Harry Potter, all the time. --Me
He forced me to imagine a talking fetus. And now I just feel weird inside. (I wonder if it had Roseanne's voice...?)
I don't know! Did you see that video where they're all talking about mozzarella sticks and "boo-yah"? (What? But true.) Malfoy was hot. (Yes, I'm a 25-year-old woman preparing to stand in line tonight to drool over teenagers.)
I never was able to read that post because there were pictures and I got scared. And I paid money to see Megamind last weekend. This is my life; try not to be jealous.
It was kind of weird to watch it once, but now I've watched it a few times. (Apparently, every time someone posts it, I just HAVE to make sure the cat both hiccups and farts.)
In other news, I barely recognized Paltrow without shiny legs. Keep 'em oiled, Gwyneth--there was butter right there.
Glee doesn't care about black people and also fat people. (And many other people.) The offensiveness used to be funny, but between this and the God episode, I can't help but feel like it's not satirical enough for millions of teenagers to get the difference. You can't be serious half the time (like with Kurt's experiences) and then have a fat girl stand on a table demanding tots. Actually, you can do that. But it's sort of sad...? Ugh, I'll still watch next week. I hate myself.
It's probably too soon to provide a gif of the hurdle jumping girl, right? I'm still getting over that one myself.
I don't like the way he said "accio." Correct pronunciations at all times please or we will strip you of your fake title.
I'm in Prospect Heights/Crown Heights (oft-debated) right next to the shuttle that nobody outside of my neighborhood believes exists. Which means I probably don't exist. Luckily, I am just a walk away from Park Slope wherein I DEFINITELY don't exist.
Geoffrey, don't interrupt. (Let's all assume that was Christina Hendricks's husband exploding in anger.)