I don't think I realized how badly I wanted to see Ted Leo do the "karate chop" (it's a famous dance move--look it up) until it was right in front of my eyes. Subconscious dreams can come true.
If there's something I'm going to get outraged about, it might as well be nap etiquette. (That and my own typos. My rage canceled itself out in this instance.)
If you're really going to try to take a nap in public, you need to take the shame that comes with sleeping with your mouth wide open that comes with it. And if you're at home and are just using it for comfort (it looks really, really comfortable...?), just know that the rest of us seasoned nappers are fully prepared to fall asleep with or without sunlight.
I think Gabe might be right. I met someone yesterday who mentioned going to Comic-Con, and I said, "Oh, my friend went to that." Before I could stop myself, I was complaining about the lines my internet-friend Gabe had to wait in. Soon, I'll be setting up imaginary play dates for my dog and Birdie.
I think I need a vacation from my problems (internet addiction/unemployment), What-About-Bob-style. Are you at Lake Winnipesaukee by any chance, Gabe?
"You just want to stick your butt in the air, look everyone in the eye, stick your tongue out." If you can't follow this with a lisped "TWSS," don't say it at all, Spike!
After a comedy show the other night, where all the nerds (just me) drank at the bar in hopes of talking to the talent, I was a little hurt that Max didn't just smell the Videogum on me. I settled for saying something awkward (no, really, the word "awkward" was in there) and then getting quietly drunk. What I'm saying is: I'm debating whether it would help or hurt to just bring a laptop to this event with Videogum on the screen as a conversation icebreaker.
I was going to defend myself, but then I realized I brought up Emma Watson's adorable new, post-filming haircut in a completely unrelated conversation the other day. Harry Potter is literally my version of discussing the weather. Only Judy can judge me.
I have to say, I'm disappointed your icon isn't more true-to-life, but 3:06 of your video made up for it. Make me stop replaying it! It's getting awkward (for both of us).
Yeah, I'm not sure what this says about me, but I recognized the guy in the Native American headdress (what...?) from an episode of True Life. And not even a good episode. But at least I didn't recognize him from porn, I guess.
I'm actually OK with this; I have a Murray t-shirt and I'm pretty sure it's only cool to wear when the show is over and everyone is pissed about it. For example, my Buster Bluth t-shirt won't be cool again until the movie is out of theaters.
I think you meant to say some comic book work and some Videogum commenting work. I'm not going to say which is more important because I think the answer is obvious. (Let's just say I haven't written an epic novel in the past 9 months or anything.) So about our club--you in? Because you're either with me or against me.
I'm not sure if you're joking or not but if you're not, join the club. And I'm not being a jerk; I sort of think we should have an Unemployed Videogum Commenter Extraordinaire club. (I've been laid off since January. I think that is clear based on my comment.) Let me know when you start watching The View every day and yelling at the screen! That will be the first order of business for our club. Second: trying to manipulate comments so only we are at the Ball every week. It's a fun life!
I thought official hipsters lived in not-up-to-code apartments in Williamsburg, fitting two or three to each room and foregoing sandwiches for money to pay for new belt buckles. But if they're all living at home, I now feel reassured that I am officially not a hipster (though I do really enjoy plaid shirts and also MIRACLE WHIIIIIP roof parties).
Yeah, it's confusing. Moms are making all the sandwiches, ya know? And sometimes dads--especially mine, who really does have a weird affinity for Miracle Whip. I have a jar of mayo in the fridge that's probably at least two years past its expiration date and still, these advertisements haven't moved me one bit. And I am the coolest of the cool.
Please let my eyes go back to a time before they saw :58 to 1:08. This image is going to be seared into my brain until I inevitably die on a plane trying to escape 2012.
As Sue Sylvester would say (is quoting Glee a thing yet? I wish Soft Gabe were here....), when I saw The Notebook/National mash-up, I was aroused...then furious.
I think I have the old school sense of humor Amy Poehler was talking about on Ellen, which basically means I'm a baby and laugh when people trip on things. When Pierce and the tiny-nipple guy (wow, he really does have tiny nipples) were arguing in the band room and throwing things, I laughed more than I did for all of 30 Rock. (That's not true--the Jack-on-the-Subway stuff was hilarious.)
Well, I guess this is what you get, Gabe, for being the leader of a gang of semi-employed, socialist weirdos who watch far too much Thursday night television: less than 50 bucks and a Kate Gosselin wig (I'm assuming Dafs is willing to donate it for the cause).
Well, my dad is going to get really excited about this. Eventually. When the trailer is on during Survivor. He'll inevitably end up renting it for $1 at Price Chopper though. My dad probably shouldn't be any movie's target audience.
I like to think he started trying that Osama trick right after 9/11 and has just now perfected it. He's ready to bring it to the people but are the people ready for it? (No.)
I love how she pretends for exactly 2 seconds like she can't think of anything. "You? JAY LENO? I can't think of...OK just this one tiny chin--thing." TIna, you're classier than we could ever be faced with such an interrogation; I'd be like, "Where do I start?"
Wait, I thought we'd be making fun of the fact that 2012 is actually wrong and there goes a lot of money (not on tickets for the movie but on making the movie) and a lot of jokes. Are we pretending like it didn't happen because we're secretly hoping humanity IS erased in 2012? Because I'm fine with that! I just need to know. Science!: http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/10/26/1517242/2012-a-Miscalculation-Actual-Calendar-Ends-2220?from=rss
While that it admirable, I think we may be giving ourselves a lot of credit. He may be up to 35% at my last vote, but we can't compete with the tens of thousands of times that Topher Grace voted for Topher Grace. We are mere pawns in his game.
I tried to convince my roommate to be the Hillary to my Monica, but she wasn't having it. Too soon, I guess. (Speaking of too soon, I always preferred Brad Renfro and Jonathan Brandis to JTT.)