Shut Up, Dude: This Week’s Best Comments

Shut Up, Dude: This Week’s Best Comments

Hope you like our new commenting system! You can now edit comments, get notifications, upload images, and other stuff. Based on your feedback we already made some adjustments including removing the default blocklist of restricted terms, doubling the character limit (it’s 4,000 now, the max allowed), and increasing the number of comments displayed before you have to click ‘Show More’ (this will be live soon). We are aware of a few bugs. If you are experiencing any of the following, please email us:

  • The site indicates you are logged in (red icon in the top right) but the comments section is prompting you to log in
  • Your email notification preferences are not saving, or not working
  • You don’t see any comments at all

Deleting your Stereogum cache or using an incognito browser will usually fix that first issue while the devs address this.

As the downvote button has been discontinued, this is our first Shut Up, Dude without the week’s worst comments. Turns out it’s also our first Shut Up, Dude without this week’s best comments. We had already built a new best/worst tool to generate SU,D based on the OpenWeb API and it’s not fully working apparently. Hopefully next week! But I didn’t want to deprive you of a freeform thread for discussing the new Beach House album, so have at it below.


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